
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Sun 16 Mar, 2008 8:02 PM Quote
This weekend i have been camping on a hill in the middle of nowhere..when it was soooo STORMYYY!!!!
i was quite the scared..and now my back hurts..poor me!
Re: camping
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 12:12 AM Quote
I foolishly agreed to go camping next month. I only agreed because a very sweet 6 yr. old boy who I happened to give birth to asked me so nicely.

Being outdoors is fun but the whole outdoor cooking, sleeping, peeing, and being dirty is not very appealing to me.

I think I can make it one night though and be a positive momma bear but it's so not my thing. I was hoping it could stay a daddy/son event (which it has been in the past).
Re: camping
Posts: 710
bara Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 8:12 AM Quote
camping is a cool thing. and its not wrong beeing scared one day i guess. an adventure .. ;)
Re: camping
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 8:34 AM Quote
I really like camping! Last year I went to the north of Argentina with a couple of friends as backpackers for 15 days. It was a lot of fun. I thought I would miss my bed, but it turned out that the thing I missed the most was my clean bathroom haha. I really don't mind the sleeping bag at all.
It was funny, because I'm a person who loves comfort. My friends were surprised I was dealing with it so naturally well :oP.

Re: camping
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 8:36 AM Quote

I don't understand the appeal of camping whatsoever, it's uncomfortable, dirty, sore and more often than not down right nasty.

B&B's and hotels have, Showers, Kettles, TV's, Bed's, Bathroom facilities.

It's no feckin' contest.

Re: camping
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:17 AM Quote
I hate camping. And I certainly don't get why would anybody want to spend their time in an uncomfortable, dirty place without a shower, air-coditioning and fridge.
Re: camping
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:20 AM Quote
Yeah I don't understand camping either, unless it's at a music festival. And even then it's still a pain in the arse.. and back and neck.
Re: camping
Posts: 906
spid Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 10:44 AM Quote
I hate camping!

My father recently suggested I might like to camp in his damp field rather than use his house! Like sh1t i did! No, bloody way. I'm old, decrepit and have a bad back, how is lying on soggy lumpy ground going to make me happy?!

Camping - bleurgh - hats off to those of you who like it! You are braver and more worthy than I
Re: camping
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 2:30 PM Quote
I am so happy I am not the only one who doesn't get the appeal of this activity. Props for all of you who do like it but I will only be participating to earn "good mommy" points.
Re: camping
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 4:53 PM Quote
ahahah! it was my first time camping and has totally put me off..i think it would have been better if it hadn't been sooo goddamn stormy!!! the only reason i am doing it though is cos of DofE...i can put up with the camping and the loonngg walk (which we got lost about 5 times!!!) if it means i am more likely to get better jobs as it will be good to put on my CV...but i dont know if i would do it for fun..unless it was summer and WARM!!!

Re: camping
Posts: 89
rhysy Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 4:59 PM Quote
i think camping is legend

been a couple of times and thought it was good.

u shud really check the forecast before u go nxt time lol
Re: camping
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:03 PM Quote
I went camping two years ago on Loch Ness. pitched my tent so that when I wakened up in the morning the first view in the morning was right down the whole valley of the Loch. Pretty special. I love that fresh dew smell when you get up in the morning as well.

I was totally unprepared for camping though. I bought my tent for £9.99 from Asda on my way to the campsite. It was not waterproof or warm.
Re: camping
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:11 PM Quote
wow that does sound pretty spectacular!
there was loads of us and about 3 peoples tents collapsed!! i was quite scared cos i'd actualy put up ours and if it collapsed it wouldve been my fault lol..
i think next time i will be thinking about alot more tent positioning, food (pot noodles are better than pasta with stir in sause as pasta takes AGES when it's rainging lol) and i will also make sure we don't get the huggest muddy puddle in our tent as that makes it very hard to actually take your muddy boots off and get in the tent itself..
*plus i need to learn how to read a map and a compass*
Re: camping
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:13 PM Quote
I should really put a disclaimer, when I say camping, we eh went to a campsite. So we were there with the tented masses, rather than roughing it in the middle of nowhere. And rather than cook outdoors on a gas stove, we brought a bbq or went to the pub.
Re: camping
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2008 5:18 PM Quote
That is SOOO not fair!! we had a titchy trangia thingy..and it was goddamn hard trying to light it in the rain! so i ended up getting fuel all over my hand and it stinking for like the rest of the evening lol..all for pasta..honestly i shouldve gone hungry lol
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