
I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* process.
Posts: 144
Alisha Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 5:00 PM Quote
Ok I don't know how good this might be as a way to introduce oneself but I had to start somewhere.
I'm as new as a newbie can be, and I'm in that phase like when you are in the process of "falling in love" so I might sound cheesy (and also a bit too much thinkative, as I get about music and the world that surronds it) so don't feel forced to get to the end of this)

I was writing this article for my music blog, but since by the ensd I realized it was all because I recently found out about Travis, I though sharing here might be good :)

PS: btw, nice to meet you all!

Beauty does exist. it's simply harder to actually be found than it appears.
Fakes are many more than you can tell, but that doedsn't mean it doesn't exist anymore and "everything you know is (really) wrong".
I think that a general overview about the existence of true beauty, where beauty is considered as a gather of lovely features which are about looks just because they're partially about attitude which involves the way someone manages its body and its space (prossemic yep), is still around all those popular culture stuff because it actually existed as some point and was genuiley spread around the world as the average thing.
Thing now is that the more time pass, the more ways there are to exploit the concept of beuty, emulating its appearance to make it look like most of things 2are beutiful (in this deeper meaning) while actually, it's just the packaging, and sadly I'm not talking just about looks but about acting some kind of attitude as well, just so that you look nice, shy, delicate, caring, without actually have Any of this true feeling inside of you.
It's so confusing. Actually it first deceives you in believing most of the things out there are pure beauty you can face with a genuine smile, open heart and ready mind, so that you just get burnt oh-so-quickly cause this whole fake-thing will bite you. hard. and harder cause not only you won't find true beuty, but you'll also have the disappointmne,t which from time to time makes you smile a little bit smaller, you heart a little bit more shut, and your mind will start to accept the existence of prejudices.

In one word, these fakes of beauty you welcome like true make you lose more and more innocence the moment you find out their nature of "fakes", until you eventually think beauty never really existed in first place and it was all just a very well coinceived and put together trick.

And as they say, the more you get burnt, the less you open up to the idea of taking chances.

So you have to get lucky enough for beuty to find you when you are not looking for it anymore, as you think it doesn;'t exist.
But apparently, it does.
Apparently as rare as it is, a very few representance of it exist.
A very few representation of what its genuinely itself, and what it genuinely is, it's good".

It's so incredibly easy for a singer to touch and get much closer than what should be usual to strangers' souls, and such a power should be used the most concious way. it's not like you have to stand up to expectations, but you have at least to be concious of what kind of mind picture people gets from you, not to make it too much of a fake becase "it needs to look oh-so-good" and who cares if it's gettin farther and farther from your real self.
So the true beuty out of average in music, is truth.

And kindness being the truth is the holy grail.

And lately, might be that I unconciously needed to find my faith in music again, but apparently I might gonna live forever as I started drink for Travis' cup. (go on with the holy grail metaphore and you'll get what I mean.
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 906
spid Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 5:37 PM Quote
All that - and all i can think of to say is 'hi'.
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 5:43 PM Quote
It's not a petition, so it's a good start ;-)

Welcome to the board =)
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 5:50 PM Quote
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 266
Oskari Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 6:01 PM Quote
welcomes from Finland!
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 6:40 PM Quote
Cheers from Argentina :o)
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 7:22 PM Quote

Good text!
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 8:29 PM Quote
Oskari wrote:
welcomes from Finland!

Tervetuloa! ;^)
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 11:12 PM Quote
Welcome to the board.
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 13 Feb, 2008 11:45 PM Quote
"It's so incredibly easy for a singer to touch and get much closer than what should be usual to strangers' souls..."

Interesting idea. Welcome to the board.
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 144
Alisha Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 2:12 AM Quote
hehe thanks everyone :)
about music hitting you hard and deep... I got a whole bunch of thoughts about it... after all I have to wonder why I chose to live my life like I do.
And music tends to hit me very hard in the middle of the chest.

thank you again for the warm welcome :)
Re: I'm the middle of the *falling-in-love-with-travis* proc
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Thu 14 Feb, 2008 1:47 PM Quote
Welcome in! *_*
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