
New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 12:50 PM Quote
I'd have put this in reviews in the tour archive, but it isn't really a review. I'm no music journalist, or any kind of journalist, in fact, so if you insist on pulling this post apart, please take that into consideration.

Ok, so I've had a sleep, my brain is back to normal, my hearing is a bit dull still though (note to self, don't stand next to speaker stack tonight).

I'd heard all kinds of comparisons made about the new stuff ('It's like Blue Flashing Light', 'It's a cross between 12 Memories and Good Feeling', amongst others), so I went with the very vaguest of ideas of what to expect. With me and Sara having the day off, we chose to go to Bristol early and queue so we could get a great spot. We pitched up to the venue at about 5, and stood and chewed the fat with the other people waiting there. (Some boardies, some not? It was hard to tell). We shuffled in once the doors were open and a very competent Palace Fires fired through 6 to 8 songs to warm us up, then it was time for the main event. No Rocky style entrance this time.

Quite low key, and then stood in the darkness listening to the clip from the film with the bloke going postal about something or other. Flashbulbs a gogo.

The new songs melted into each other to begin with, and the band seemed to have rehearsed this perfectly so that the gaps between songs were pretty much eliminated from the show. The band looked as focussed playing them as I've ever seen them, they looked like they were playing for the first time in front of a panel of record company people to try and get a deal, there was no fucking around here, it was a professional job.

With regards the set up, yes, I was next to the speakers so it's hard to be objective about it, but the sound set up seemed to be a lot more powerful, more grunt seemed to be added to the bass particularly, everything else seemed to be more emphasised, more pronounced. It really snarled in places, then growled in others, I was taken back by how much. Among all of this though, when Claes was playing, you could hear it clearly, the set up was pretty nailed on. I've never seen Neil batter the drums like he did.

Everything about it was so much more energetic than I'm used to from this band, a lot less 'satisfied' than I'm used to, without becoming the dark, bitter, occasionally resentful sound that 12 Memories was.

This is quite new territory for them, and for those fans that wanted a harder sound, you've got it, in spades, for example 'Before You Were Young'. A complete wall of guitar noise, enough to almost take the skin off your face and remove your ears forcibly, but oh so good.

That track would win hands down in a fight between all the songs, purely because it would dismember the other songs with it's sonic machete. And that. See? Told you I'm no journalist.

The track that stands out for me though, head and shoulders above all the others...'Song To Self'

Edit :- Video respectfully removed by Youtube account holder at request of Travis Web Team, you'll just have to wait and see!

Just awesome, I can't tell you why, it just did what so many of this bands songs did, it grabbed me, and refused to let go, and it was running around my head all the way home, despite having other stuff playing on the cold car journey home. This morning it sounds just as good, and I can't fucking wait to hear it tonight in Nottingham, and then when it comes out on record! (Please God)

These are the only words I have about it now, hope they make sense, and for those of you who couldn't get to the shows, gives you a small (albeit poorly written) taste of what's to come.

It's an exciting time to be a fan of this band, I think these songs are about to breathe a whole new different life and direction into their music, and I LOVE IT.

See you later in Nottingham.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:00 PM Quote
Well done with that ..Its exactly how I imagined .

I have only one question that seems to overhang everyday!?

Is it ?

Before you were here?

Before you were young?

or as in The Sun

Before you went?

No Bets each way taken ;-)
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:01 PM Quote
Thanks very much. That was actually a very well written 'review'. And from what i've seen on video, i agree with what you say. Of course there's nothing like actually being there but i got the feeling of the songs. It's not Good Feeling or 12 Memories but something totally different. The songs themselves i haven't heard enough to know exactly how much i like them but the style... i definitely like. It's a very exciting time to be a Travis fan like you say.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:03 PM Quote
SE, I've listened again on the video and he appears to sing 'Young', maybe it's still a work in progress haha.

Surprised the Sun didn't call it 'Yellow'.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 654
heysupernova Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:10 PM Quote
wow, that IS review esteban, and a very good one! at times felt like I was next to the speakers too :P I can't wait to hear this new harder sound, I'm so curious haha, but the videos work out for me just fine for now :) thanks! good luck tonight, get a good spot but not the same one :P
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:12 PM Quote
Random thought:

Chinese Blues: Has the same tempo and feel as " its good to be free" by oasis.
J.Smith : is best described as quiet then mental LOL

I'll try to think of examples for the other songs to give those of you havent heard them some idea.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:14 PM Quote
Yeah good shout Gladly, I thought one of them had a bit that sounded similar to 'The Importance Of Being Idle' as well.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:17 PM Quote
Nice review Esteban! Glad you had a good night - it's was a fantastic gig eh? I totally agree with you - this new sound is totally different to anything they've done rocky, I love it!

Have a great time in Notts tonight!
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 654
heysupernova Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:21 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
I thought one of them had a bit that sounded similar to 'The Importance Of Being Idle' as well.

The importance of being idle? it's good to be free? wooow! I'm a huge oasis fan (madferit you can say haha), so this are great news to me! :) please God let these songs be on the new album
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:23 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
Yeah good shout Gladly, I thought one of them had a bit that sounded similar to 'The Importance Of Being Idle' as well.

Sounds like a description of Long way down, Importance of being idle but sped up.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:24 PM Quote
ps : Can you change your title to ' My bit of a ramble ' as it rather sounds like the new songs are! - Just a thought!
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:29 PM Quote
Somewhere Else wrote:
ps : Can you change your title to ' My bit of a ramble ' as it rather sounds like the new songs are! - Just a thought!

I don't follow, sorry?
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:31 PM Quote
heysupernova wrote:
Esteban wrote:
I thought one of them had a bit that sounded similar to 'The Importance Of Being Idle' as well.

The importance of being idle? it's good to be free? wooow! I'm a huge oasis fan (madferit you can say haha), so this are great news to me! :) please God let these songs be on the new album

It's mostly just a couple of melodies that bear comparison, the whole sound itself is quite unique, don't be thinking that this record's gonna sound like Oasis, because I don't think it will.
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:35 PM Quote
Please note , Iam no musician , these are just comparisons as i hear them. When you hear them you might think iam talking nonsense .
Re: New Songs - A Bit Of A Ramble
Posts: 654
heysupernova Posted Tue 12 Feb, 2008 1:37 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
heysupernova wrote:
Esteban wrote:
I thought one of them had a bit that sounded similar to 'The Importance Of Being Idle' as well.

The importance of being idle? it's good to be free? wooow! I'm a huge oasis fan (madferit you can say haha), so this are great news to me! :) please God let these songs be on the new album

It's mostly just a couple of melodies that bear comparison, the whole sound itself is quite unique, don't be thinking that this record's gonna sound like Oasis, because I don't think it will.

oh yeah, I was just excited about the small comparison, for what you've said I can tell this new material doesn't sound like anything/anybody else :)
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