
Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 12:28 PM Quote
I just read a commentary saying that Hillary's 'emotional breakdown' was just a changed strategy.

First of all, I define an emotional breakdown as something completely different from a slightly trembling voice and watery eyes. It's not like she bawled her eyes out while screaming and shouting.

Secondly, she's under a lot of pressure and I would have caved long before she did.

Maybe I'm just being naïve, but I don't think that it was an actual strategy.
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 487
haz Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 12:40 PM Quote


her reaction stemmed from a question posed on how she keeps going when nothing seems to be working (i.e. obama making all the news, seemingly invincible). there's nothing wrong with showing that kind of frustration, it's human and i do believe it had a positive effect for her in NH. she has this rep of being icy and this moment humanized her for a lot of people (especially women).

obama speaks in grand intangibles going on and on about change without getting into specifics on what this change will mean - clinton on the other hand has been spelling out the issues facing this country in ad after ad and initially her message didn't seem to be making it through - especially with the sheep in the mainstream media in this country which had obama as the heir apparent.

it's going to be interesting now to see how the mainstream press starts dealing with clinton's "comeback". it was great that she won up here in this part of the country - problem is now she has to deal with the South and that my friend is a whole new ballgame!

Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 12:47 PM Quote
Like I said, I too believe that they were real. She obviously feels strongly about all this, and this is what keeps her going.

In any case, it looks like either Obama or Clinton will be the democratic candidate, which means that there is a good chance for the next US president to be a woman or a coloured man (sorry if this isn't PC!). It would be the first president who isn't a white male. I know that you shouldn't elect any politicians just on the basis of gender or coulour, but it's interesting nonetheless.

I'm glad I don't have to choose any candidate though cos I really wouldn't know who to choose. It seems to me that Hillary has the most political experience though.
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 3:27 PM Quote
yeah I thought it was real. It was quite surprising though, a side we have not seen of her before... well I haven't. Some will slag her from being too emotional (ie not being able to run the country) but I'm glad she was showing emotions :) Actually I'll keep fingers crossed for her... and she proofed them wrong in NH didn't she ! great !
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 487
haz Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 3:52 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
Like I said, I too believe that they were real. She obviously feels strongly about all this, and this is what keeps her going.

In any case, it looks like either Obama or Clinton will be the democratic candidate, which means that there is a good chance for the next US president to be a woman or a coloured man (sorry if this isn't PC!). It would be the first president who isn't a white male. I know that you shouldn't elect any politicians just on the basis of gender or coulour, but it's interesting nonetheless.

I'm glad I don't have to choose any candidate though cos I really wouldn't know who to choose. It seems to me that Hillary has the most political experience though.

She does feel strongly about all this stuff, just go to Wikipedia and take a look at her bio there's a lot of experience to point to (props to Jones for bringing this bio to my attention), experience that would greatly assist this country given the condition we're in thanks to Bush and Co.

There is a good chance that either a woman or a black man (PC) will be the next president of this country. The only worry I have is that change for change's sake isn't the solution. The Dems didn't do anything with their new power in Congress (e.g. realistic plan for actually getting out of Iraq). Everything is gridlocked. If a Dem becomes President they have to get rid of this gridlock in order to make anything meaningful happen. Therefore, to make this happen the President needs to have experience in Washington, needs to have the right connections and savvy to get the wheels turning. Obama just doesn't have the experience (remember Hillary was beside Bill, more or less, for eight years in the White House, she's got how that place works down cold) that Hilary has.

But watch now, since this big upset in NH Mr. Obama is going to stop with the "Dare to Hope" crap and start getting into some tangibles about healthcare and the war etc. It's my opinon that he was under the impression that all he needed to do was act and talk Presidental to win this nomination, but that's changed because of last evening's upset. Go Hillary!
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 487
haz Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 3:58 PM Quote
Ursina wrote:
yeah I thought it was real. It was quite surprising though, a side we have not seen of her before... well I haven't. Some will slag her from being too emotional (ie not being able to run the country) but I'm glad she was showing emotions :) Actually I'll keep fingers crossed for her... and she proofed them wrong in NH didn't she ! great !

There's nothing wrong with showing emotion. It shows people that you're human, not perfect...human!

Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 3:59 PM Quote
Obama reminds me of John Edwards 4 years ago : he was everybody's favorite at the beginning of the race.

Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 6:00 PM Quote
Real, but she is a tough cooky as they say......

She and Bill want to go back to their old house :-)
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 6:05 PM Quote
Somewhere Else wrote:

She and Bill want to go back to their old house :-)

Bill wants to go back to the interns!
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 7:37 PM Quote
haz wrote:
She does feel strongly about all this stuff, just go to Wikipedia and take a look at her bio there's a lot of experience to point to (props to Jones for bringing this bio to my attention), experience that would greatly assist this country given the condition we're in thanks to Bush and Co.

There is a good chance that either a woman or a black man (PC) will be the next president of this country. The only worry I have is that change for change's sake isn't the solution. The Dems didn't do anything with their new power in Congress (e.g. realistic plan for actually getting out of Iraq). Everything is gridlocked. If a Dem becomes President they have to get rid of this gridlock in order to make anything meaningful happen. Therefore, to make this happen the President needs to have experience in Washington, needs to have the right connections and savvy to get the wheels turning. Obama just doesn't have the experience (remember Hillary was beside Bill, more or less, for eight years in the White House, she's got how that place works down cold) that Hilary has.

But watch now, since this big upset in NH Mr. Obama is going to stop with the "Dare to Hope" crap and start getting into some tangibles about healthcare and the war etc. It's my opinon that he was under the impression that all he needed to do was act and talk Presidental to win this nomination, but that's changed because of last evening's upset. Go Hillary!

So that's a wote for Hillary in Massachusets then, eh?

You're right that change for change's sake is not right. At the last elections here, the prime minister would either be a man or a woman. Some people argued that we should vote for the woman because we have never had a female prime minister before. In my opinion though, he was the better option. Or lesser of two evils, if you like.
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 8:42 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
Somewhere Else wrote:

She and Bill want to go back to their old house :-)

Bill wants to go back to the interns!

I predict a rise in Gap sales in Washington for the 1st quarter of 2009
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 11:31 PM Quote
Politicians have emotions now...

Could have fooled me!
Re: Hillary's tears: fake or real?
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 11:38 PM Quote
" even Richard Nixon's got soul " - Neil Young
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