
2nd message, blog
Posts: 399
elodie Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 9:45 PM Quote
I want to hear this song! right now! ;)
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 9:47 PM Quote
elodie wrote:
I want to hear this song! right now! ;)

I really wanna hear it too! After seeing what the song was about it really makes me think about my relationship with my fiance...
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 712
FranFlower Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 9:55 PM Quote
Yeah, I just read it.
It's so exciting to have Fran interact with us like this. Feels like we kinda get to take part in the progress of making the album :) In my own biased though still perfectly valid opinion I think the song is great! When a song makes me think about my life, and in this case my friends and loved ones, then I would say it's a good song. I hope we'll get to hear how the music to this will be like someday.

Actually I think I'm off to make my own melody to this and see what I can come up with :P

Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 388
scummy Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:06 PM Quote
great lyrics! I wish it has tunes like coming around or we are monkeys, though it is a sad song :P good job franny!
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 399
elodie Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:06 PM Quote
FranFlower wrote:
Actually I think I'm off to make my own melody to this and see what I can come up with :P

yeah, this is a really cool idea :D I gonna make the same thing *runs to find the guitar* lol
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:10 PM Quote
elodie wrote:
FranFlower wrote:
Actually I think I'm off to make my own melody to this and see what I can come up with :P

yeah, this is a really cool idea :D I gonna make the same thing *runs to find the guitar* lol

I should think of a melody too and play it to my fiance and tell him to stop treating me like shit! Men are a pain in the ass.
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 462
Ruudio Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:13 PM Quote
It sounds cute =D
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 15
kate_keit Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:29 PM Quote
"Who picks you up
When you're in town
Whatever makes you happy
And I'm glad you're better now
But I'm sad you're not around"

aaawww that is happening to me!
now my friend is happy and busy with other things,
so he is not around anymore

Fran read my mind
He's the best
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:33 PM Quote
I can't wait to hear the finished song! It'll be interesting to see what lyrics will remain, and which (if any) will be kept out.
This is exciting, isn't it?
ah, i love the blogs!
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 10:56 PM Quote
Don't know about others but when i read lyrics to a song i find myself singing along... when i don't know the song, it turns out to be quite poor! lol

Interesting lyrics i suppose but never been one for lyrics me. I'm really excited about this album, i feel something great coming!
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Sat 05 Jan, 2008 11:28 PM Quote
I did read the lyric a few minutes ago when I was in messanger with Sara spain.
And... This is it.
It's just amazing and it's just the lyric.
I want to hear the song. Now. Hope they will sing this song in the gigs in february.

The only thing with a little bit of sense that I can say right now is...
Re: 2nd message, blog
Yulia Nox
Posts: 2721
Yulia Nox Posted Sun 06 Jan, 2008 12:00 AM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
ah, i love the blogs!

so do I !

want to hear it
but feels like I'm already hearing it in my mind
...a soft voice
Re: 2nd message, blog
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Sun 06 Jan, 2008 12:17 AM Quote
Somehow these lyrics remind me of the Christmas special of 'Extras'. :p 'Cos that revolved around the theme of Friendship.
Re: 2nd message, blog
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Sun 06 Jan, 2008 2:09 AM Quote
Typing to Reach You wrote:
Somehow these lyrics remind me of the Christmas special of 'Extras'. :p 'Cos that revolved around the theme of Friendship.

I love Extras, but the Christmas episode was such a downer. It was still good but after the episode ended I felt like going, "Wah Wah Wahhhhhhhh."

BTW: Has anyone seen the episode where Ian McKellen is talking to Ricky Gervais' character a role he's going to be in a play. And he tells him that his lover is going be a guy named Fran. And Ricky Gervais' charcter goes, "Fran... Fran..." And Ian McKellen goes is something the matter? And Ricky goes, "... Fran Healy, you know, lead singer of Travis."

That moment made my life, for real.
Re: 2nd message, blog
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Sun 06 Jan, 2008 2:18 AM Quote
I agree with everyone who said they love blogs!
It made me so happy to read it. I was very tired and now I'm excited xD.
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