
Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:02 PM Quote

Here are the "cultural" explanation :

Maison = the house - more precisely "the home"

Poilues = hairy (we have tons of jokes that portuguese women are very hairy - typically we say Mother's day ideal gift (if your mum is portuguese that is) is an electric razor)

Faineants = lazy (didn't know this one about spaniards btw - probably something related to siesta)

On s'en fout = we don't care ! (not sure many frenchies even know about Iceland)

Roux = with red hair (read = not really appealling)

Alcoolos = alcoholics (the brits drink a lot !!!)

Terroristes = terrorits (for our fellow corsicans - they're french but want to be independent from France - thus recurrent attacks on France's symbol on the island : blowing up a post office...and even murders)

Voleurs = thieves (every italian is potentially a thief or a mafioso, don't you know ?)

PD = gay (again, several jokes that all greek men are gay - we even have an expression "go fuck yourself with the greeks !" - that's when someone gets on your nerves )

Accordeonistes = that plays the accordeon (probably for the romanians who beg in the streets - not too sure about this one)

Lents = slow (the swiss speak french quite slowly)

Faschos = fascites

Teube = betes (stupid)

Toxicos = on drugs (that's for the dutch - always smoking grass)

Putes = whores (all eastern european women come to our country to be prostitutes apparently)

Bonnasses = babes (in a more explicit way i'd say) - Scandinavia has the reputation of gorgeous blondes that are good in bed.

Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:08 PM Quote
I feel like a true brit now!
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:12 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
I feel like a true brit now!

I don't feel like an eastern european woman!!!! lol
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:26 PM Quote
yup, spot on with the Brits!
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:27 PM Quote
moominbadger wrote:
yup, spot on with the Brits!

Moominbadger where be you from? (and what's yer name?)
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:33 PM Quote
I am from Walsall, nr B'ham originally but live in the south west at the moment. My name is Laura! So what's your name then Grinner? You live in London yeah?
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:35 PM Quote
this thread could be renammed "how to annoy the hell of ppl you know and are friends with !"
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:38 PM Quote
moominbadger wrote:
I am from Walsall, nr B'ham originally but live in the south west at the moment. My name is Laura! So what's your name then Grinner? You live in London yeah?

My name is [vanisha] but everyone just calls me GRINNER (lol tryna avoid my real name like) Aye London tahn, it smellssss <3

Mmm south west, I hope it's not Yeovil, my cousin used to live there, said it's the most boring place.
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:43 PM Quote
Nah, live in Taunton but it's probably just as boring as Yeovil! Hoping to move shortly. Aw, I like your name, it's more interesting than Laura anyway! You know, that's the first time I've actually thought about the fact that people on here do have real names aswell! Like Abs isn't really called Abs....freaky.
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 712
FranFlower Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:43 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Bonnasses = babes (in a more explicit way i'd say) - Scandinavia has the reputation of gorgeous blondes that are good in bed.

Oi, might not be able to live up to that, but I like this description nontheless :P
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:47 PM Quote
moominbadger wrote:
Nah, live in Taunton but it's probably just as boring as Yeovil! Hoping to move shortly. Aw, I like your name, it's more interesting than Laura anyway! You know, that's the first time I've actually thought about the fact that people on here do have real names aswell! Like Abs isn't really called Abs....freaky.

my real name is Cherie
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:49 PM Quote
moominbadger wrote:
Nah, live in Taunton but it's probably just as boring as Yeovil! Hoping to move shortly. Aw, I like your name, it's more interesting than Laura anyway! You know, that's the first time I've actually thought about the fact that people on here do have real names aswell! Like Abs isn't really called Abs....freaky.

Haha i was thinking that earlier. It's worse when you see someone in the street who you know off myspace. I saw someone off my space one day and started talkin to em, scared the shit ouuta them haha. *sigh* I need real friends.
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:50 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
moominbadger wrote:
Nah, live in Taunton but it's probably just as boring as Yeovil! Hoping to move shortly. Aw, I like your name, it's more interesting than Laura anyway! You know, that's the first time I've actually thought about the fact that people on here do have real names aswell! Like Abs isn't really called Abs....freaky.

my real name is Cherie

Aw, pretty name!
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:50 PM Quote
no one from East Sussex amongst boardies ?
Re: Europe seen by french ppl
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:51 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
moominbadger wrote:
Nah, live in Taunton but it's probably just as boring as Yeovil! Hoping to move shortly. Aw, I like your name, it's more interesting than Laura anyway! You know, that's the first time I've actually thought about the fact that people on here do have real names aswell! Like Abs isn't really called Abs....freaky.

my real name is Cherie

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