
Wowee, there's a lot going to Glasgow, eh?
Posts: 347
flower_in_the_window Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 8:45 PM Quote
I can't wait!
Not going as early as usual this time!
Re: Wowee, there's a lot going to Glasgow, eh?
Posts: 712
FranFlower Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:04 PM Quote
I'm off to bed now, but will be up again at 4am (3am UK time) to catch the plane to Edinburgh. A quick train ride later and I'm in Glaaaasgow :D Seriously excited!

I hope to meet up with some boardies, though I'm a tad shy :P I'm sure you're all real nice though! I'm gonna be a little late, cause I couldn't travel the day before the gig.. But at least I'll be there!

(EDIT: late as in not able to queue from 10am, lol :P)
Re: Wowee, there's a lot going to Glasgow, eh?
Posts: 347
flower_in_the_window Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:07 PM Quote
Don't be shy! Who are you coming with? I pretty much look the ame as my profile pic, so come up and say hi!
Re: Wowee, there's a lot going to Glasgow, eh?
Posts: 712
FranFlower Posted Sat 29 Dec, 2007 9:17 PM Quote
Well, I'm dragging my dad along(didn't fancy staying in Scotland alone on new years), but he probably doesn't want to queue outside for hours :P
I'll def talk to you if I see you :) I look pretty much like my profile pic as well (though it's not my best pic, they never are, lol!)
Re: Wowee, there's a lot going to Glasgow, eh?
Posts: 3
ltd5000 Posted Sun 30 Dec, 2007 3:59 PM Quote
Hey - Anyone know if the venue has a cloakroom? Also will small cameras for personal use be allowed in tonight?!

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