
The Friday Dance
Posts: 487
haz Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 2:32 PM Quote
Happy Jingly Season to you all.
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 2:55 PM Quote
I just got off work and I can start my Chrimbo holidays now... yay! And now I get to see dancing Santas... double-yay! lol
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 487
haz Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:02 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
I just got off work and I can start my Chrimbo holidays now... yay! And now I get to see dancing Santas... double-yay! lol

good for you kiddo! i'm stuck here for a bit longer and then i'm off on my crit'mis vacation too, all next week all the way to Jan 2nd, woot!

Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:02 PM Quote
a Chrimbp Friday dance ! soo cool ! lol
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:03 PM Quote
I finished my classes today, and that's why I'm soooo happy, hehe.
Anyone wants to dance with me? :p
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:06 PM Quote
haz wrote:
good for you kiddo! i'm stuck here for a bit longer and then i'm off on my crit'mis vacation too, all next week all the way to Jan 2nd, woot!

At least your holiday is longer than mine! We can't leave our department unmanned, so we kinda split the days... I have to work Friday next week. Och well, it's not like it's really busy between Christmas and New Year :o)
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 487
haz Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:08 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
haz wrote:
good for you kiddo! i'm stuck here for a bit longer and then i'm off on my crit'mis vacation too, all next week all the way to Jan 2nd, woot!

At least your holiday is longer than mine! We can't leave our department unmanned, so we kinda split the days... I have to work Friday next week. Och well, it's not like it's really busy between Christmas and New Year :o)

that's true any time off is good time off in my book. make sure you have plenty of Christmas cheer though, that's key.
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 487
haz Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:09 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
I finished my classes today, and that's why I'm soooo happy, hehe.
Anyone wants to dance with me? :p

congratulations on finishing your classes. as for dancing, hmmm i don't think you'd want an 800 pound gorilla like me stomping all over your tootsies, wouldn't be pretty ;)
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:12 PM Quote
haz wrote:
Monica wrote:
I finished my classes today, and that's why I'm soooo happy, hehe.
Anyone wants to dance with me? :p

congratulations on finishing your classes. as for dancing, hmmm i don't think you'd want an 800 pound gorilla like me stomping all over your tootsies, wouldn't be pretty ;)

Thanks ;)
And I'm sure you can dance, don't worry about my feet, hehe.
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:13 PM Quote
haz wrote:

good for you kiddo! i'm stuck here for a bit longer and then i'm off on my crit'mis vacation too, all next week all the way to Jan 2nd, woot!

me too! have a great Christmas vacation!!
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:21 PM Quote
Today is my last day until the 2nd. Unfortunately I'm home with my daughter who has a fever of 102. I have a few things I reeeeeally needed to do at work today before we shut the office down. And we're supposed to go to Houston this weekend for 6 variations on "family gatherings". Not so sure that's happening now!

I'm taking her to the Dr. a few minutes and we'll see. I hope it's not the flu.

The saddest part is last year we were on our way and she threw up twice in the car. It was late so we decided to stop so her tummy could settle and spend the night in a hotel between Austin and Houston.

She puked the entire night. We left a mountain of towels and sheets that we had used. And a very large tip.

So we just drove back to Austin figuring we were all about to get it and why infect the whole family. It'll be really sad it we miss the festivities again.

But what can you do, right?
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:22 PM Quote
Sandy, one more post and you'll have made it to 1000!
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 487
haz Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:23 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Today is my last day until the 2nd. Unfortunately I'm home with my daughter who has a fever of 102. I have a few things I reeeeeally needed to do at work today before we shut the office down. And we're supposed to go to Houston this weekend for 6 variations on "family gatherings". Not so sure that's happening now!

I'm taking her to the Dr. a few minutes and we'll see. I hope it's not the flu.

The saddest part is last year we were on our way and she threw up twice in the car. It was late so we decided to stop so her tummy could settle and spend the night in a hotel between Austin and Houston.

She puked the entire night. We left a mountain of towels and sheets that we had used. And a very large tip.

So we just drove back to Austin figuring we were all about to get it and why infect the whole family. It'll be really sad it we miss the festivities again.

But what can you do, right?

wow. so that's being a parent eh? hmmm. you paint such a pretty picture ;) but seriously folks, i hope she feels better poor dear :./ (that's not a typo i just discovered a zit on my cheek)
Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 3:24 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Today is my last day until the 2nd. Unfortunately I'm home with my daughter who has a fever of 102. I have a few things I reeeeeally needed to do at work today before we shut the office down. And we're supposed to go to Houston this weekend for 6 variations on "family gatherings". Not so sure that's happening now!

I'm taking her to the Dr. a few minutes and we'll see. I hope it's not the flu.

The saddest part is last year we were on our way and she threw up twice in the car. It was late so we decided to stop so her tummy could settle and spend the night in a hotel between Austin and Houston.

She puked the entire night. We left a mountain of towels and sheets that we had used. And a very large tip.

So we just drove back to Austin figuring we were all about to get it and why infect the whole family. It'll be really sad it we miss the festivities again.

But what can you do, right?

go to the same hotel and yell "we're back !"

Re: The Friday Dance
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Fri 21 Dec, 2007 6:43 PM Quote
haz wrote:
wow. so that's being a parent eh? hmmm. you paint such a pretty picture ;) but seriously folks, i hope she feels better poor dear :./ (that's not a typo i just discovered a zit on my cheek)

Abs, LOL about the hotel. We're probably on the "banned for life" list.

Haz, I strive to help global population with these glances into my life. This one should help:

The Dr. says she has an ear infection and bronchitis. He prescribes antibiotics, an oral steroid, and also breathing treatments. Off we go to Walgreen's to fill the prescription. I decide to wait because I want to get all of this in her ASAP and don't want to have to drag her back out 30 minutes after we get home.

They say it'll be a 30 minute wait so we wander around, I buy candy for the stockings right in front of her (she's still young enough that I can get away with that) and a few other random things. We're at the regular check-out and a lady comes in. She says, "I think I left my.." and stops. I look at the cashier and she is giving her this really dirty/annoyed look. The lady had a really thick accent and you could tell she was nervous because the cashier was being so rude. I was trying to be helpful so I said, "your card?" She smiles and says yes, and the cashier looks and finds her credit card.

The woman of course looks very happy and I say something like, "Oh I'm glad you found it. Who needs that around Christmas?" She replies by saying, "Yes and I am leaving for Amarillo to visit my boys who are in prison so I really need this." I say, "Oh it's a good thing you found it then?"

How do you respond to that information? Who shares with a stranger that they have multiple children in prison?? But yeah, she didn't need to have a lost credit card on top of spending Christmas at a prison.

Now it's been 45 minutes and still no medicine. Poor Catherine is just fading. We're sitting by the pharmacy when she stirs, moans, and then throws up all over my lap. Just a small drop on the ground, the rest reserved for mom.

Suddenly they have my prescription ready in about 2 minutes.

The lesson here? If you don't want to wait, throw up.
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