
Seattle 11-17-07 Videos...
Posts: 3
dennis Posted Wed 05 Dec, 2007 5:54 AM Quote
Thanks to all who posted video of the Seattle show. I'm still looking for video of 6 songs.

1.Eyes Wide Open
2.Love Will Come Through
3.My Eyes
4.Pipe Dreams
5.Beautiful Occupation

If anybody has any of these please post youtube links here.

Re: Seattle 11-17-07 Videos...
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Wed 05 Dec, 2007 6:57 AM Quote
Sorry...I'm sure you saw all of mine and I didn't get any of those...I have Beautiful Occupation from Portland though.
Re: Seattle 11-17-07 Videos...
Posts: 3
dennis Posted Wed 05 Dec, 2007 11:49 PM Quote
Thats okay. Thanks for all of the videos you did post.
Anyone Else have these?
Re: Seattle 11-17-07 Videos...
Posts: 130
Peter76 Posted Thu 06 Dec, 2007 10:12 PM Quote
mozman and MemphisQueen's collections are just about as complete as they come. I posted "20" and "Baby One More Time" but I did get "My Eyes" from the Vancouver show.

Sorry mozman btw, now I know what you meant when you told me you got a lot of stuff with me jumping in it..... >_<'
Re: Seattle 11-17-07 Videos...
Posts: 3
dennis Posted Thu 13 Dec, 2007 11:27 PM Quote
Oh well, it was worth a shot...
Re: Seattle 11-17-07 Videos...
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Fri 14 Dec, 2007 3:06 PM Quote
Peter76 wrote:
mozman and MemphisQueen's collections are just about as complete as they come. I posted "20" and "Baby One More Time" but I did get "My Eyes" from the Vancouver show.

Sorry mozman btw, now I know what you meant when you told me you got a lot of stuff with me jumping in it..... >_<' this you then??

I was a little pissed off at the time...but only at myself for not simply following Fran up on stage...that would have made a GREAT video....until they hauled my ass off stage and threw me out of the theater....
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