
Hey guys-its been a while! AND Venue Suggestion for Travis!!
Posts: 115
BeatleGirl11 Posted Sat 03 Nov, 2007 5:38 AM Quote
Hey everyone-It seems like its been forever since I have checked out the messageboard, much less posted something! How have you all been? My senior year of college has been incredibly stressful and everything has just been too busy and crazy! I havent been able to keep up with Travis as much as I use to over these past couple of months, and I hate that! Has there been any news about Travis playing the east coast of the US any time soon?

To Fran, Dougie, Neil and Andy: It would be wonderful if you played the 40 Watt in Athens, GA. Athens is a huge music town, and the home of REM and the B-52's. The 40 Watt is a small club, but its amazing! About 3 weeks ago The Killers played there, and it was phenomenal. It would be AWESOME if you guys would play here too! Please consider it! :)
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