
Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 32
Ulrikke Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 3:54 PM Quote
Hiya, I don't suppose many of you remember me. I used to post on the old board, but never really got started here. So hi!
I've got a Spanish essay due in for, well tonight. I won't ask you to read it all through, but I've got a couple of questions and I would love you forever if you'd help me. I wouldn't ask strangers to do me this favor, but I'm desperate! I don't want to get a C like last time, lol. :D

1. The thing about using "a" when the accusative/direct object is a person - to what extent? "pasajeros" represent people, but I don't know if that qualifies.
Are these correct?
"Se oía frecuentemente, que taxistas españoles engañaban a sus pasajeros."
"En el tren de Paris encontraron una familia española"

2. Preterito or imperfecto. I get the basic idea, but I'm not sure about these for some reason.
De este modo vivían las chicas la hospitalidad española por primera vez.
Llegaron a Málaga muy tarde. Eran las once de la noche

3. Here I'm not sure about the use of "a ella". Where exactly in the sentence does it go and is "ella" even the correct pronoun?
A ellas corrió a la escuela, donde la llave del apartamento estaba. Entonces a ellas corrió al apartamento y ayudó a ellas con subir el equipaje.
(In English it's supposed to be: "He drove them to the school, where the key to the apartment was. Then he drove them to the apartment and helped them carry the luggage up."

Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 4:15 PM Quote
I'm gonna take a shot. I'm not a native speaker, but Spanish was my major. It's been a while, so don't hold it against me if I get these wrong! ;)

Ulrikke wrote:

1. I think these are right.
"Se oía frecuentemente, que taxistas españoles engañaban a sus pasajeros."
"En el tren de Paris encontraron una familia española"

2. I think the first sentence is correct with "vivían"
De este modo vivían las chicas la hospitalidad española por primera vez.
Llegaron a Málaga muy tarde. Fue las once de la noche
---I think it's "Fue" because it defined a specific time. Not quite sure though!

EDIT: I thought about this one a little, and I caught something.
3. I think you want to use "Las" and "Les...a ellas" instead of just "a ellas"
Las corrió a la escuela, donde la llave del apartamento estaba. Entonces, las corrió al apartamento y les ayudó a ellas con subir el equipaje.
(In English it's supposed to be: "He drove them to the school, where the key to the apartment was. Then he drove them to the apartment and helped them carry the luggage up."

I'm really sorry if I've confused you! It's been a while!

Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 32
Ulrikke Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 4:38 PM Quote
Thanks! You're an angel!
I'm just a little confused about when to use the "a". My answers on no. 1 are mostly based on google searches, with and without "a", the most popular one winning. I don't really get the difference...
And about no. 3 - I just thought you had to use "a" (it's causing me a lot of trouble that one, lol) somehow. Is "them" not the direct object? Or does it differ because of the pronoun?
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 186
Nattasha Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 5:38 PM Quote
Hi! here some help:

1. it's ok (sounds good)
"Se oía frecuentemente que taxistas españoles engañaban a sus pasajeros."
"En el tren de Paris encontraron una familia española"

2. With regard to say Sandy, I think "Eran" it's ok, we don't use "fue" because "once" is plural.
De este modo vivían las chicas la hospitalidad española por primera vez.
Llegaron a Málaga muy tarde. Eran las once de la noche

3. the verb "drive", in this case, is translate as "conducir" or "manejar" (a car). The verb "llevar" is also used as "drive" (personally, I frequently used this verb)

Él las condujo (llevó) a la escuela, donde estaba la llave del departamento. Entonces las condujo (llevó) al departamento y las ayudó a subir el equipaje.

I hope this help

Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 186
Nattasha Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 5:40 PM Quote
sorry... a mistake

El las condujo (llevó) a la escuela, donde estaba la llave del departamento. Entonces las condujo (llevó) al departamento y les ayudó a subir el equipaje
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 5:56 PM Quote
Ulrikke wrote:
A ellas corrió a la escuela, donde la llave del apartamento estaba. Entonces a ellas corrió al apartamento y ayudó a ellas con subir el equipaje.

I think the right sentence is this:
Las llevó a la escuela (in Spain we use the word "colegio" rather than "escuela"), donde estaba la llave del apartamento (you can also say "piso"). Entonces las llevó al apartamento y les ayudó a subir el equipaje.

I have a question: "them" refers to boys or girls? Or boys and girls? If it's only girls, use "las", but in the rest of the cases, you should use "los" ;)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 1572
nats Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 6:05 PM Quote
Ulrikke wrote:
Hiya, I don't suppose many of you remember me. I used to post on the old board, but never really got started here. So hi!
I've got a Spanish essay due in for, well tonight. I won't ask you to read it all through, but I've got a couple of questions and I would love you forever if you'd help me. I wouldn't ask strangers to do me this favor, but I'm desperate! I don't want to get a C like last time, lol. :D

1. The thing about using "a" when the accusative/direct object is a person - to what extent? "pasajeros" represent people, but I don't know if that qualifies.
Are these correct?
"Se oía frecuentemente, que taxistas españoles engañaban a sus pasajeros."
"En el tren de Paris encontraron una familia española"

correct. I think you could also say encontraron a una familia española

Ulrikke wrote:

Llegaron a Málaga muy tarde. Eran las once de la noche

eran las once de la noche is perfect.

Ulrikke wrote:
3. Here I'm not sure about the use of "a ella". Where exactly in the sentence does it go and is "ella" even the correct pronoun?
A ellas corrió a la escuela, donde la llave del apartamento estaba. Entonces a ellas corrió al apartamento y ayudó a ellas con subir el equipaje.
(In English it's supposed to be: "He drove them to the school, where the key to the apartment was. Then he drove them to the apartment and helped them carry the luggage up."


el las llevo a la escuela, donde estaba la llave del departamento. Despues las llevo al departamento y las(or les) ayudo a subir el equipaje.

les is correct, but "las" ayudo is also right, i guess it depends on if you are learning spanish from spain, or spanish from latin america (and which country in latin america LOL)

there is no need to repeat "he" = "el" because we already know who are you talking about.
las llevo = drove them (im assuming you are talking about girls, so i use "las", if you are talking about a group of girls and men or men only you should use "los" llevo)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 32
Ulrikke Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 6:28 PM Quote
Thanks all! I've just sent it off to my teacher. Fingers crossed! :)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 6:30 PM Quote
ah...yes! of course it's 'eran'
i always had problems with past vs. imperfect!

well...good luck with your paper!
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 8:31 PM Quote
I'm late, but I think Nats was right.
Good luck!!!! :o)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 9:45 PM Quote
Ulrikke wrote:
Hiya, I don't suppose many of you remember me. I used to post on the old board, but never really got started here. So hi!
I've got a Spanish essay due in for, well tonight. I won't ask you to read it all through, but I've got a couple of questions and I would love you forever if you'd help me. I wouldn't ask strangers to do me this favor, but I'm desperate! I don't want to get a C like last time, lol. :D

1. The thing about using "a" when the accusative/direct object is a person - to what extent? "pasajeros" represent people, but I don't know if that qualifies.
Are these correct?
"Se oía frecuentemente, que taxistas españoles engañaban a sus pasajeros."
"En el tren de Paris encontraron una familia española"

2. Preterito or imperfecto. I get the basic idea, but I'm not sure about these for some reason.
De este modo vivían las chicas la hospitalidad española por primera vez.
Llegaron a Málaga muy tarde. Eran las once de la noche

3. Here I'm not sure about the use of "a ella". Where exactly in the sentence does it go and is "ella" even the correct pronoun?
A ellas corrió a la escuela, donde la llave del apartamento estaba. Entonces a ellas corrió al apartamento y ayudó a ellas con subir el equipaje.
(In English it's supposed to be: "He drove them to the school, where the key to the apartment was. Then he drove them to the apartment and helped them carry the luggage up."


I can't help you with the Spanish, just wanted to say that I do remember you... Jeg er nemlig ret sikker på, at jeg så dig til koncerten i fredags ;o)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 32
Ulrikke Posted Thu 25 Oct, 2007 10:50 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
Ulrikke wrote:
Hiya, I don't suppose many of you remember me. I used to post on the old board, but never really got started here. So hi!
I've got a Spanish essay due in for, well tonight. I won't ask you to read it all through, but I've got a couple of questions and I would love you forever if you'd help me. I wouldn't ask strangers to do me this favor, but I'm desperate! I don't want to get a C like last time, lol. :D

1. The thing about using "a" when the accusative/direct object is a person - to what extent? "pasajeros" represent people, but I don't know if that qualifies.
Are these correct?
"Se oía frecuentemente, que taxistas españoles engañaban a sus pasajeros."
"En el tren de Paris encontraron una familia española"

2. Preterito or imperfecto. I get the basic idea, but I'm not sure about these for some reason.
De este modo vivían las chicas la hospitalidad española por primera vez.
Llegaron a Málaga muy tarde. Eran las once de la noche

3. Here I'm not sure about the use of "a ella". Where exactly in the sentence does it go and is "ella" even the correct pronoun?
A ellas corrió a la escuela, donde la llave del apartamento estaba. Entonces a ellas corrió al apartamento y ayudó a ellas con subir el equipaje.
(In English it's supposed to be: "He drove them to the school, where the key to the apartment was. Then he drove them to the apartment and helped them carry the luggage up."


I can't help you with the Spanish, just wanted to say that I do remember you... Jeg er nemlig ret sikker på, at jeg så dig til koncerten i fredags ;o)

Virkelig? Hvem var du? :p Var det jer med flaget, eller...?
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 26 Oct, 2007 6:01 AM Quote
Nej, vi stod lidt ovre på Andys side. Jeg havde en Selfish Jean tshirt på, hvis det hjælper. Vi stod sådan lidt i 3.-4. række :o)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 32
Ulrikke Posted Fri 26 Oct, 2007 8:59 AM Quote
Ah, ok. Har nok ikke set jer så. :) Hvordan var det ved jer så? Publikum var jo generelt sådan lidt tamme - hvilket vi valgte bare at ignorere oppe foran. ;)
Re: Spanish speakers - need help!
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 26 Oct, 2007 9:02 AM Quote
Ulrikke wrote:
Ah, ok. Har nok ikke set jer så. :) Hvordan var det ved jer så? Publikum var jo generelt sådan lidt tamme - hvilket vi valgte bare at ignorere oppe foran. ;)

Jeg hoppede også heftigt for at få stemningen op. Da bandet kom på scenen var jeg ellevild. Midt under Selfish Jean vendte jeg mig så om og kunne konstatere, at folkene bag ved mig nærmest ikke løftede et øjenbryn! Det var ærligt talt ret tamt. De fik da lidt gang i publikum hen ad vejen, men jeg synes nu, jeg har oplevet bedre stemning til andre Traviskoncerter.
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