
Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 9
neilrocks Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 3:14 AM Quote

For me it is NEIL!!!

I just seem to have a thing for drummers....! LOL

Now,let's get everyone's point of view...

Hee hee.
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 3:17 AM Quote
Drummers = HOT

(and that's not because I'm married to one or anything)
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 301
BettyPekker Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 6:26 AM Quote
Mine is Andy...:)
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 301
BettyPekker Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 6:27 AM Quote
I'm in love with him and his guitars, too.
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 6:42 AM Quote
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 6:46 AM Quote
What?! You guys... you are forgetting Mr. "Sex-on-legs." himself. DOUGIE! Sorry, but all three of them cannot hold a candle to Dougie. The hips. Period. End of story. G'nite!
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 6:50 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
What?! You guys... you are forgetting Mr. "Sex-on-legs." himself. DOUGIE! Sorry, but all three of them cannot hold a candle to Dougie. The hips. Period. End of story. G'nite!

Dougie's sound, love Dougie!
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 9:13 AM Quote
Ohhhh none of em. =P

I'd say Dougie.
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 9:20 AM Quote
How I wish harry was here to read this thread :D
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Sky-Blue Puppy
Posts: 278
Sky-Blue Puppy Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 9:48 AM Quote
Ah, this kind of a thread, and on this side of the board?! How very daring!
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 9:50 AM Quote
Put this post on the other board.
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 3:09 PM Quote
Fran, of course! :)
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 76
Thalia Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 3:19 PM Quote
is the hottest guy ever. He's so hot.
I wish I could kiss his lips. I'll do it someday :)
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 3:37 PM Quote
Can it be a boardie ?
Re: Who is the sexiest member of Travis..?
Posts: 1381
happy_me Posted Fri 19 Oct, 2007 3:59 PM Quote
To be completely honest, I don't fancy any of them. I like Travis because of their music, not their looks ;)

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