
Travis--Please come back to the eastern US!
Posts: 1
fiverra Posted Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:19 PM Quote
DC, Raleigh NC, I don't care, just bring the tour back east again. I haven't seen you live since you were touring with Ben Folds Five and performed at Notre Dame. I've been a loyal fan since (that's what? 10 years?).
Re: Travis--Please come back to the eastern US!
Posts: 50
Dun-dun-dunlop Posted Sat 13 Oct, 2007 2:53 AM Quote
Oh my LORD, you went to one of the gigs they played with BFF? I'm so insanely jealous. I'm only about three hours from Carrboro(which is where they played in NC during that tour), but I was rather wee then and had never heard of either band. Now that I'm older and mad about both bands(well, it's just Ben now, but I love the old Five stuff to pieces), I'm quite sad that I missed out on such an amazing gig. What was the Notre Dame gig like?

But yes, we on the east coast are missing them tonnes. Though we did get most of the love during the last tour, so it is the west's turn. I hope they do a more extensive(ie: covering the whole country instead of just one coast at a time) next year. Can't wait to see them/meet again!
Re: Travis--Please come back to the eastern US!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 13 Oct, 2007 10:12 PM Quote
fiverra wrote:
DC, Raleigh NC, I don't care, just bring the tour back east again. I haven't seen you live since you were touring with Ben Folds Five and performed at Notre Dame. I've been a loyal fan since (that's what? 10 years?).

It's too bad that you missed them this summer
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