
Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:02 PM Quote
Name a BAND that you thought sucked donkey balls but then quite suddenly you thought, hey, they’re actually quite decent.

for me that BAND would probably be Coldplay.

when i heard “Fix You” for this first time, i thought it was a great song. this in turn made me go back and give other Coldplay stuff a chance.

while my world didn’t change to any great extent while listening to other Coldplay tracks, i was glad to discover some other really decent songs by a band that, up until recently,I slagged off relentlessly .

Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:12 PM Quote
Until not so long ago, I couldn't stand Tom Waits cos I thought he couldn't sing. Then I heard one of his songs, I don't even know the title - I just know that it was absolutely beautiful :o)

EDIT: Technically, this thread is about bands, not singers. So sorry to bring a solo artist into the mix :oP
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 585
deepi Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:14 PM Quote
for me it would be stereophonics - i didn't exactly hate the band but they just weren't my cup of tea, until i heard 'it means nothing' - now when i hear previous tracks i don't mind them and can listen to full ones
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 25
happydales Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:16 PM Quote
For me it was Kaiser Chiefs!

At first their songs used to really get on my nerves, yet I couldn't stop singing them. Then I realised how good they were and how wrong I was!
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:31 PM Quote
I didn't care much for The Shins. I first heard one of their songs on one of those "Hear Music" cds from Starbucks...and I figured all of their stuff was like it.

But, now I'm really loving them!
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:33 PM Quote
The Libertines.

edit: but it's not that I used to HATE them. More like didn't care.
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:34 PM Quote
I used to hate the Beastie Boys, but now I don't. It's the only thing I can really think of, My hate list is short, and it's only getting longer.
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 9:57 PM Quote
deepi wrote:
for me it would be stereophonics - i didn't exactly hate the band but they just weren't my cup of tea, until i heard 'it means nothing' - now when i hear previous tracks i don't mind them and can listen to full ones

i never liked this band either but then i started digging some of their stuff. "dakota", "have a nice day", "local boy in a photograph", "that one about doing something to your radio". good songs.
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:02 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
I didn't care much for The Shins. I first heard one of their songs on one of those "Hear Music" cds from Starbucks...and I figured all of their stuff was like it.

But, now I'm really loving them!

hm. i don't know what should be judged most harshly here, the fact that a) you were in a starbucks b) you bought a starbucks brand cd or c) you like the shins.

i think i'll go with hidden option d) all of the above!
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:06 PM Quote
haz wrote:

hm. i don't know what should be judged harshly here, the fact that a) you were in a starbucks b) you bought a starbucks brand cd or c) you like the shins.

i think i'll go with hidden option d) all of the above!

a) nah, i didn't go to starbucks, i found the cd at Half-Price Books!
b) i only paid $3.00 for the cd
c)shut it! they're good!
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:06 PM Quote
DAKOTA wrote:
I used to hate the Beastie Boys, but now I don't. It's the only thing I can really think of, My hate list is short, and it's only getting longer.

the b boys. anything after the first disc (excluding the latest contract-fulfilling instrumental release) is alright in my book.

i think that "check your head" is one of the greatest albums of the 1990s. classic.
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:11 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
haz wrote:

hm. i don't know what should be judged harshly here, the fact that a) you were in a starbucks b) you bought a starbucks brand cd or c) you like the shins.

i think i'll go with hidden option d) all of the above!

a) nah, i didn't go to starbucks, i found the cd at Half-Price Books!
b) i only paid $3.00 for the cd
c)shut it! they're good!

a) yes you did, be a man and just admit it
b) you paid $3.00 too much
c) no and they're not.

oh dear. the truth is bitter when it's told - just like starbucks coffee ironically that i'd know that...

Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:12 PM Quote
i keep coming up with bands (and/or) artists where the reverse has happened. use to like them. now i can't stand them.
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:15 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
i keep coming up with bands (and/or) artists where the reverse has happened. use to like them. now i can't stand them.

great to see that staying on topic is still alive and kicking in here.
Re: Rock & Roll Reappraisals: Bands
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 11 Oct, 2007 10:20 PM Quote least i did not proceed to name these bands! LOL
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