
Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 28 May, 2007 9:54 PM Quote
Just found a few more photies to take you back there again

That last one's seriously confusing when you look at that black border bit but a cool photo nonethless. And I wonder if that's Nick delivering a kick to Mr 'Not letting go of the guitar lead' Hmmmm ;)
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Mon 28 May, 2007 11:22 PM Quote
Lol! Did Nick kick someone? I must have missed that.

I think i can see my head in the first one! haha. First one's really good actually. Never thought to take one like that at a gig before
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Tue 29 May, 2007 4:27 AM Quote
Is it you with the back & white shirt on the first one ?

Hehe Just wondering !
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 347
flower_in_the_window Posted Tue 29 May, 2007 9:28 AM Quote
I saw someone getting a slap for pulling out Andy's guitar lead....!!
And the last pic is really confusing with the border!!

Nice find! Where'd you come accross them?
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Tue 29 May, 2007 9:56 AM Quote
cool ! yep zoomed right back to the night thanks Andrew :)
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Tue 29 May, 2007 3:29 PM Quote
isma wrote:
Is it you with the back & white shirt on the first one ?

Hehe Just wondering !

This one? ;)
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Tue 29 May, 2007 6:29 PM Quote
Ooh shit i meant with the black and red shirt ! Lol
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Tue 29 May, 2007 6:45 PM Quote
Haha nope i'm the one with the arrow coming out his head.

Although I do remember seeing that shirt and wanting it, i do like my stripey t-shirts!
Re: Barrowlands Boardies
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Wed 30 May, 2007 9:39 AM Quote
Andrew wrote:

Although I do remember seeing that shirt and wanting it, i do like my stripey t-shirts!

Oh so do i ! :D
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