What really bothered me at first about all the "radio spotter" threads is that folks actually feel the need to report when they hear a Travis track on the radio. How ridiculous, I thought!
I wondered if it was post-whoring or addressing a genuine physical need to share the event with the rest of the world.
I started to ask myself: is it such a rare thing for Travis to be played on the radio that people have to tell everyone when they hear a Travis song?
But you know what, it's true.
I would love for someone to explain to me why Travis is played so rarely on the radio.
I listen to XFM and Virgin and I hardly ever hear Travis, especially compared with the alarming frequency other bands are played. I can honestly say I have never heard "My Eyes" on the radio. These are London and national UK radio stations, for heavens' sakes!
Travis is a charting band that's been going for 10 years. Why aren't they on stations' A-lists? Please somebody tell me, before I become yet another radio spotter. (is that like a train spotter?????)