
Funny Adverts
Posts: 133
DjelibayB Posted Mon 28 May, 2007 10:23 AM Quote
Has anyone seen the new Snickers Advert with Mr T?

Very Funny!

"Snickers Get Some Nuts"
Re: Funny Adverts
Beatle Babe
Posts: 99
Beatle Babe Posted Mon 28 May, 2007 12:16 PM Quote
yeah it's pretty good! my favorite is the clover advert - i don't think it's supposed to be funny, tho!
Re: Funny Adverts
Posts: 585
deepi Posted Mon 28 May, 2007 5:54 PM Quote
Beatle Babe wrote:
yeah it's pretty good! my favorite is the clover advert - i don't think it's supposed to be funny, tho!

is that the one where everyone is crying over clover?
Re: Funny Adverts
Beatle Babe
Posts: 99
Beatle Babe Posted Mon 28 May, 2007 9:46 PM Quote
deepi wrote:
Beatle Babe wrote:
yeah it's pretty good! my favorite is the clover advert - i don't think it's supposed to be funny, tho!

is that the one where everyone is crying over clover?

it suuuuuure is. i never knew butter could do that to a person, but hey!
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