
Is Lily Allen's music for teenagers ??
Posts: 119
pablob Posted Mon 03 Sep, 2007 4:26 PM Quote
I went to Lily Allen's concert here in Santiago last Saturday (not a fan, just got the tickets) and 85% of the people there were under 15 years old... the rest were their parents.
Is it the same in the UK ??? Just curious
The concert was OK for me, but even though I still look super young I felt a little bit out of place :-)
Re: Is Lily Allen's music for teenagers ??
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Tue 04 Sep, 2007 1:42 PM Quote
Although haven't seen her live, I have the same impression really.
Re: Is Lily Allen's music for teenagers ??
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 04 Sep, 2007 2:09 PM Quote
Like all music. Its for whoever likes it no matter what age.
Re: Is Lily Allen's music for teenagers ??
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Tue 04 Sep, 2007 2:09 PM Quote
Like all music. Its for whoever likes it no matter what age.
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