
Travis Köln
Posts: 57
lieve Posted Mon 27 Aug, 2007 7:44 AM Quote
yes, I wil be there.
And what about Belgium ?

Posts: 270
Trixi Posted Tue 28 Aug, 2007 11:50 AM Quote
you should come to Hamburg, too! ;-D
Fingers crossed for some shows in Belgium, too!
Aww such a pity I can't go to any other shows this time but to Hamburg. I would sooo love to go to the show in Mannheim as well since it's near Stuttgart where I very good friend of mine lives so I could stay with her overnight but my holiday is gone already and I won't get two days off twice that close after another in October (not to mention continuous from one gig to the next)...besides I couldn't really afford either at the moment, so Hamburg must be enough this time *sigh*
Ah well,I've seen them in March yet, a little comfort.
How are you Lieve? Hope all is well at your end, kids still growing? ;-P
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