What do you guys think of the video?? Isn't it great and mind-numbingly hilarious??
I have to admit. The 'My Eyes' video is the funniest music video I've seen in years. I mean, YEARS, people!!
Fran looked so realistic and suburban dad-like with the moustache. And I was shocked and almost laughing out of my chair seeing pregnant Andy in the hospital. Don't even start about Doctor Dougie with his mischievous grin. Guess who the nurse was?
It was all so goddamn hilarious. perfectly complements a perfect song.
I don't know whose idea it was but I guess the director of the video should be given some saluting. *salutes*
*and also salutes to the BEST BAND in Business*
But the part I didn't get was the taxidriver? Who was the taxidriver? Looked someone familiar.
We're BORN TO ROCK!!!!
@Fran: Hey could you guys bring out that BORN TO ROCK t-shirt shown in the video in the wee store? I'm in love with it. Please? Pretty please??