
Travis Radio Spotter special - Travis live at Gampel
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Sun 19 Aug, 2007 9:50 AM Quote
well that was last night but still whoo ! DRS3 broadcast Travis from the Gampel openair with a wee interview with Fran and Dougie up front. Here a few bits and pieces if I remember rightly: Fran saying that the Singles CD was entirely the records company's idea to keep them in peeps' mind but allowing them time for a break, Dougies saying that they always will make albums (unlike ie Ash) cos he likes the concept of an album. Also that they probly will release a b-sides album ! yay!
and some more stuff... cool :-) then they were on live !
Here's the list ( I think it's right)

Selfish Jean
Eyes Open
Love will come Through
As you are
My Eyes - wonder why Fran had to laugh, eh Fran ?? :-D

sadly after a 1/2 hour the broadcast was over. heard in the background that they started up with Pipedreams *sigh*

Of course I felt really gutted that I wasn't there at the gig (it's just too far away, bloody mountains in the way!)
but at least iI could hear them and it felt soo good! :-)

Till the next gig.... in Glasgow most likely !

Re: Travis Radio Spotter special - Travis live at Gampel
Posts: 26
MaggieMae Posted Sun 19 Aug, 2007 11:25 AM Quote
Hope the probably releasing a B sides album becomes a reality soon.
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