
The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 11:33 AM Quote
who of you can honestly sing along to Coming Around all they way through?? I've mastered most of their singles and some other songs but Coming Around is soo fast it just defeats me!

*goes off to learn it by heart*

Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 56
CelliMylene Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 11:55 AM Quote
Hm...I`ve gotta try that...;P
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 11:58 AM Quote
Och easy. However i dont thing anyone could bear listening to me attemot to sing for that long LOL
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 12:03 PM Quote
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) wrote:
Och easy. However i dont thing anyone could bear listening to me attemot to sing for that long LOL

lol I don't think anybody would listen to me for that long either... it's just for the privacy of my wee car :-D
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 347
flower_in_the_window Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 4:09 PM Quote
* barges in.....

I can! I can!
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 4:14 PM Quote
So we'll be getting an mp3 of you singing it posted on the board then?
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 365
GotChrist Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 4:54 PM Quote
I can obviously do it. I've been singing it ever since I learned how to sing ... well ... sing good.
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 135
Luis Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 6:54 PM Quote
I can Sina !!!! I can even play it on guitar and sing at the same time ;)

How you been !!! kisses from Costa Rica <3
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 81
kevinnn Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 7:11 PM Quote
GotChrist wrote:
I can obviously do it.

oOoh !!
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 8:24 PM Quote
flower_in_the_window wrote:
* barges in.....

I can! I can!

Me too! Me too!
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 8:53 PM Quote
Hah...ever since the concerts a few weeks back I've been singing Travis while playing the guitar and telling my wife I'm going to post it on YouTube since some of the videos on there are so bad they are funny....but then I thought, maybe I'm bad too...never trained on the guitar, but I think I'm okay. ehhhhh forget it...
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 15 Aug, 2007 9:56 PM Quote
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) wrote:
So we'll be getting an mp3 of you singing it posted on the board then?

Haha, that'd be funny. No doubt audrey could start that trend (she's good at that sort of thing)..

I can do it, but the bit where it goes "now why do you have to pick on me at all.." i often am out of puff a bit, so the 'all' tails off into nothingness!
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Thu 16 Aug, 2007 3:25 AM Quote
mozman68 wrote:
Hah...ever since the concerts a few weeks back I've been singing Travis while playing the guitar and telling my wife I'm going to post it on YouTube since some of the videos on there are so bad they are funny....but then I thought, maybe I'm bad too...never trained on the guitar, but I think I'm okay. ehhhhh forget it...

You should post it!! I shouldn't talk though because I also made a video of me singing and strumming along to "Just The Faces Change" and I'm afraid to post it. I know it's better than a lot of the covers on youtube don't know. :/

My boyfriend just did this cool thing where he mushed a bunch of different U2 songs together with his recording sounds so cool! He said he'd try to make me a Travis one!!! If he ever actually goes through with it I'll post it on here for you guys! I'd love for Fran to hear it too!! :)
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 334
TALIA Posted Thu 16 Aug, 2007 6:29 AM Quote
Ursina wrote:
who of you can honestly sing along to Coming Around all they way through?? I've mastered most of their singles and some other songs but Coming Around is soo fast it just defeats me!

*goes off to learn it by heart*


i can't :(
Re: The 'Coming Around' challenge
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Thu 16 Aug, 2007 9:53 AM Quote
umph look like I really have to go and practice! lol it's the fast bit where I get stuck !

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