
Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 585
deepi Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:15 PM Quote
just wonderered what people had coming up in the next few weeks/months, i.e gigs, holidays.....

i've got some gigs to look forward to in october including editors and arcade fire, and going to see bill bailey in november (excited about that one, watched his dvd last night and he's a comedy genius!)
but before all that i've got a camping trip in september, which i'm kinda looking forward too, except my friend told me we'd be hiring bikes and going for a ride! haven't ridden a bike in over 10 years! that should be interesting!

what about everyone else?
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:18 PM Quote
moving in with a boardie - haven't decided wether it will be a male or a female
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:20 PM Quote
Have you decided which country, yet?

nemo me impune lacessit
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:20 PM Quote
nothing but work...then travel....then work some more...then concerts planned (unless Travis come back to the U.S. before the end of the year)
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:24 PM Quote
I'm going to Switzerland at the end of this week to see Travis :)

Gig-wise, I'll also be seeing Stereophonics in Frankfurt and Berlin in September. After the Berlin show, I don't have much planned other than working on my thesis.
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:29 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Have you decided which country, yet?

nemo me impune lacessit

its gonna be an english-speaking country of course
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:29 PM Quote
I've got Stereophonics and Shed 7 near the end of the year. Nothing much else so far, will play it by ear.
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:34 PM Quote
Tracey982 wrote:
I've got Stereophonics and Shed 7 near the end of the year. Nothing much else so far, will play it by ear.

Where are you seeing the Phonics Tracey? I'm dying for them to announce some more European dates!
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Helen *the original*
Posts: 789
Helen *the original* Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:35 PM Quote
Going to try and get a job. Hopefully things will start to get more positive. And i hope to go out with and get to know a couple of friends a bit better.

Not exciting but that's my life at the mo
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:36 PM Quote
Lucile wrote:
Tracey982 wrote:
I've got Stereophonics and Shed 7 near the end of the year. Nothing much else so far, will play it by ear.

Where are you seeing the Phonics Tracey? I'm dying for them to announce some more European dates!

I'm seeing them in Aberdeen on 24th November. I'm really looking forward to it, they rock!
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:36 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Have you decided which country, yet?

nemo me impune lacessit

its gonna be an english-speaking country of course

Well if you do move to the UK you'd always be welcome to visit some weekend, cheap flights and all that...

nemo me impune lacessit
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:37 PM Quote
Job interviews in August.

Maybe going to see the Stars and/or the Decemberists in September (that depends on how the job interviews go;) )

Definitely going to London in October for a few days, to meet a friend (and to see Damien Rice in Concert, again). Maybe I'll also go to the Joshua Radin concert when I'm in London (but I'm not a great fan of going to concerts in foreign cities on my own).

Oh, and, erm, in between I have to write my thesis and 2 other papers and ... uaaaaah, it's too much stuff.
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:37 PM Quote
Well.....I've got a week off in September to dog sit my parents new dog (in the pic!!) and then in October in going to see Travis in Madrid! Arrgh....October's still bloody miles away. Bah.
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:42 PM Quote
Tracey982 wrote:
I'm seeing them in Aberdeen on 24th November. I'm really looking forward to it, they rock!

They certainly do! The German club shows should be fun. I'll let you how they went so you know what to expect in Aberdeen!
Re: Boardies Diaries......
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Mon 13 Aug, 2007 8:44 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Have you decided which country, yet?
nemo me impune lacessit

its gonna be an english-speaking country of course

So, according to Oscar Wilde, it cannot be America: "We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language." ;)
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