
Lyrics: The Great Unknown & Is That Love?
Posts: 118
imkatatonic Posted Sat 11 Aug, 2007 9:10 PM Quote
:( Help please! There's nothing on the web, I had it!
Re: Lyrics: The Great Unknown & Is That Love?
Posts: 674
gaby Posted Sun 12 Aug, 2007 12:08 AM Quote
Hey! Here is The great unknown, hope it works (sorry for the blanks, I don´t get the words there)...I have never heard Is that love?, could you send it to me please? my e-mail is
Many thanks in advance

I’m standing at the firing line
Too scared to jump, to leave behind
But lights go down and there is nowhere left to hide
Into the great unknown

You take my hand but I’m too scared
To jump but I’m not ready yet
The green and the red and the yellow in my head
Into the great unknown

Where do we go when all is said and done?
Where do we go?
And I said, I said its all been said and done
But who knows?

I … my socks for love …
… The Parliament
And everyone is a message never sent
Into the great unknown.

Re: Lyrics: The Great Unknown & Is That Love?
Posts: 118
imkatatonic Posted Sun 12 Aug, 2007 8:43 AM Quote
Thanks for the lyrics, I'm sorry but I couldn't ipload the song :( stupid & slow server !! (or my computer, more likely...) Is That Love? is included as B-Side in Selfish Jean CDS, and blaming MixUp for not purchasing Travis singles I was forced to find them out on the web. The sad fact is I've been downloading so much tracks I can't remember on which website Is That Love? was. MSN via it's way easier to share it with you, anyways I'm trying this week to send it.

Cheers, Liz
Re: Lyrics: The Great Unknown & Is That Love?
Posts: 477
mayfly Posted Tue 04 Dec, 2007 11:28 AM Quote
Thanks gaby for the lyrics.
Can anyone help finishing the last verse?
Re: Lyrics: The Great Unknown & Is That Love?
Posts: 193
yuzuki Posted Tue 04 Dec, 2007 3:20 PM Quote
Well, "Is that love" is a cover of the great band "Squeeze". Is an awesome sooooong! Is a Selfish jean's single b-side.

Here's the lyrics:

Is that love.

Youve left my ring by the soap,
Now is that love?
You cleaned me out you could say broke,
Now is that love?
The better better better it gets
The more these girls forget
That that is love.
You wont get dressed you walk about,
Now is that, is that
A teasing glance has pushed me out,
Now is that, is that
The tougher tougher tougher it gets
The more my lips frequent
Now that is love.

Beat me up with your letters, your walk out notes,
Funny how you still find me right here at home.
Legs up with a book and a drink,
Now is that love thats making you think.

Youve called my bluff Im not so hot,
Now is that love
My assets froze while yours have dropped,
Now is that, is that
Its the cupid cupid cupid disguise
That more or less survived
Now that is love.

Beat me up with your letters, your walk out notes,
Funny how you still find me right here at home.
Legs up with a book and a drink,
Now is that love thats making you think.

Youve made my bed the finger points
Now is that, is that love
The more you more you more you cool down
The easier love is found
Now that is love.

and here's the song :P

Travis also made others covers of this band: "Pulling mussels /From the shell)" and "Up the juction". Both are b-sides of "My eyes" and "selfish jean" singles.

Re: Lyrics: The Great Unknown & Is That Love?
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Tue 04 Dec, 2007 9:59 PM Quote
Check out the Travis b-sides collection, which has been building up over the years. There's quite a lot there.
Also see here for some other audio and video.
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