
I met the Band last night
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 8:46 AM Quote
In my dream ! haha. Was triggered by seeing Neils old haircut on here , before I went to bed ( the long haired version) and Fran ended up with it and I told him he looked like James Taylor .

I thought he wasn't too chuffed with that remark as he started to read a newspaper instead of chat to me :-( he had a cold and had a red scottish hankerchief. Then my favourite drink came round ,that he had ordered , in pure abundance and I knew I was still cool with him. My insecurities? hey what?!
Re: I met the Band last night
Posts: 54
lizbeth0619 Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 2:05 PM Quote
;) Great dream!!
I've had a couple steamy make out sessions with Fran in some, never want to wake up, dreams. ha ha ;) Hubby got a tad jealous. lol!
Re: I met the Band last night
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 09 Aug, 2007 9:50 PM Quote
lizbeth0619 wrote:
;) Great dream!!
I've had a couple steamy make out sessions with Fran in some, never want to wake up, dreams. ha ha ;) Hubby got a tad jealous. lol!

I read that and bursted out laughing. Steamy make out sessions. Hahahaha... tell him that the next time you meet him. It'll be hilarious
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