
whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 1062
audrey Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 9:53 PM Quote
just break out your singles dvd and give it a go.

always makes for the best of moods. :)

Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 9:56 PM Quote
Did that a couple of weeks ago, good times.
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 42
beatlejenn Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 10:07 PM Quote
I did it yesterday...trying to extend the Travis works!
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 100
PictureInWhite Posted Mon 30 Jul, 2007 2:24 AM Quote
the East-Enders style Australian soap always makes me cry with laughter...especially how into Andy & Neil seem o_O LOL
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 30 Jul, 2007 4:29 AM Quote
aww...i let my sister borrow all of my dvds...i'm having to watch all of the videos i took from all of the shows i went to this past week...they're holding me up pretty well!

i've got plenty more to upload on to youtube...i'm lazy!
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Mon 30 Jul, 2007 7:25 PM Quote
I did that on Friday! Excellant singalong session :) even better for doing the house work too! ;)
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 92
loria Posted Mon 30 Jul, 2007 8:53 PM Quote
I told Fran this in Toronto, but that DVD collection helped me through the worst breakup of my life - my boyfriend and I were in the process of moving to Costa Rica, where he was from when he broke up with me and moved by himself, leaving me in the cold North. It was early November, the weather was rainy and cold and I just curled up on the couch and watched that DVD for hours. It still makes me feel better when I'm feeling blue :)
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Mon 30 Jul, 2007 8:56 PM Quote
loria wrote:
I told Fran this in Toronto, but that DVD collection helped me through the worst breakup of my life - my boyfriend and I were in the process of moving to Costa Rica, where he was from when he broke up with me and moved by himself, leaving me in the cold North. It was early November, the weather was rainy and cold and I just curled up on the couch and watched that DVD for hours. It still makes me feel better when I'm feeling blue :)

Oh my, thats awful. It sounds like a stupid question but how are you holding up?
Re: whenever you need a pickmeup...
Posts: 92
loria Posted Mon 30 Jul, 2007 9:35 PM Quote
aww it's so sweet of you to ask.

to be honest, it's been about 3 years since that day and while it still can be hard from time to time (after all, I was changing every aspect of my life), i've pulled through quite well and have found someone better to settle down with. while living in michigan isn't my goal by any means, i did get a chance to see the band three times on this tour which i doubt i could have done in CR ;)

funny thing, though.. Fran gave me the warmest sweetest hug after I nearly started crying after telling him this... and he then told me the part he loves the best in that whole DVD is when the band did the commentary for ReOffender... and I have to agree it's awesome hehehe

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