
Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 22
physalia Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 5:49 AM Quote
OK - this is sort of off topic, but I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever had something very strange happen to them while listening to Travis.

Yesterday I had to go to the nearby forest preserve to collect some soil and water - I need it for a lab we're planning to do when school starts. It had been raining off and on for a few days, and when I went it was still kind of drizzling. So everything was wet and muddy, and there were insects everywhere - including these really shiny teal dragonflies and giant white butterflies.

All the plants have kind of grown like crazy over the past few months, so my visibility was pretty much limited to the path directly in front of me. I was wandering through the area with my hood up looking for a place to get down to the water, with Closer playing on my iPod.

I rounded a corner and in the middle of the path, not more than 10 feet in front me, stood an absolutely stunning female white tailed deer. I've gone running in this preserve at least 30 times before and have never seen any deer. Plus - it was 1:30 in the afternoon! Not normally the time deer are active.

Anyway, I froze, fully expecting the doe to dart away. Instead, she crept closer, stomped her hooves on the ground, and snorted at me! Her ears were twitching, her tail was standing straight up, and she kept inching toward me. And snorting! And sort of whistling.

Time kind of slowed down - with those dragonflies and butterflies still flying about, the mist, the crazy ass deer going all territorial on me, and Travis playing in my ears, it seriously felt like I was in a music video. Like in the next moment the doe was going to start singing along, or something equally odd.

Also, it felt like I was about to die. Or at least be very hurt. I was standing there thinking, "Yikes, this is it! I'm going to die in this forest, trampled to death by a deer, in the name of science education. While listening to Travis!...At least I really love this song."

But finally, after what I swear was a full minute, but couldn't have possibly been that long, she took off and I started to breath again. So I went about my business of soil and water collecting, and managed not to fall in the river - so proud of myself - and started walking back the way I came.

I made it about half way back before I ran into the doe again! Only now two fawns - still with their spots - were with her, and even though she was farther away this time she was doing the same thing. Just - bleating. The fawns were just frolicking, not worried at all, and why would they be, with their mother all crazed deer?? I slowly kept walking - they weren't directly in my way, just to the right a bit - but I kept her in my line of vision. Perfect Heaven Space was playing, and the piano was really a great accompaniment to my very slow, backward walk.

Thankfully, I made it out of the forest alive, and hoof-print free. Crazy deer. Only now whenever I listen to Closer I'm afraid I'm going to die.

So. Has anyone else ever had a bizarre experience while listening to Travis?
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 100
PictureInWhite Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 12:01 PM Quote
I've not had an experience like that, but your post made me LOL so hard a few times, especially the 'At least I really like this song' bit! I'm really glad you're alright, though! That must have been WAY intense! o_O
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 55
kurai Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 1:16 PM Quote
That was really a weird experience for you.
I loved the part when you wrote...."At least I really love this song."", ´cause thats the same thing I would have thought at that moment;)

My experiences while listening to Travis are not that bizarre. I am always listening to their music when I am on my way. The funny thing is that my MP3-Player always picks the right song for the moment...
For day I was really upset and I was walking through the rain. When I put the Player on it played "Walking in the sun" and suddenly the sun shone through the clouds. It was so beautiful. The song really cheered me up at that moment and made me laugh again.

Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 1:37 PM Quote
This, kids, is why we don't directly inhale solvents.
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 731
alyrtle Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 4:34 PM Quote
sounds like a magic forest to me..o_o
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 22
physalia Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 6:13 PM Quote
Nope - there was no inhaling of solvents, or any other mind altering chemicals. Just freaky territorial deer.
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 6:35 PM Quote
physalia wrote:
Nope - there was no inhaling of solvents, or any other mind altering chemicals. Just freaky territorial deer.

I was just yanking your chain for a cheap laugh ;-)
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sun 29 Jul, 2007 7:49 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
This, kids, is why we don't directly inhale solvents.


So it's ok if we get a wee whiff from time to time?
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 79
neverAcquiesce Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 2:38 PM Quote
Not really surreal but on the way to hang with some friends this weekend I passed the house of the girl I had to let go of while "The Cage" was on. It was a wee bit cathartic I must say.
Re: Surreal experience while listening to Travis
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 2:57 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Esteban wrote:
This, kids, is why we don't directly inhale solvents.


So it's ok if we get a wee whiff from time to time?

Whatever gets you through the night ;-)
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