
Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:16 PM Quote
Thread inspired by Deebee's recent book-related one.

Please post your holiday reading recommendations right here! I'm certainly looking for some inspiration!

Here are my thoughts:

1. Going East by Matthew D'Ancona (as mentioned in Deebee's thread). Part "urban thriller" (says the blurb), part love story.

2. The Sound of Laughter - Peter Kay's autobiography. Although it's lol funny, so might cause embarrassment if read in a public place. Worth it tho! :)

Please post your ideas here- thank you!
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:22 PM Quote
My (French) husband recently enjoyed "A year in the merde" by Stephen Clarke - takes an interesting look at the French and life in Paris.
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:26 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
"A year in the merde" by Stephen Clarke -

Seconded! I liked that book too :)
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 806
Tianyan Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:29 PM Quote
The life of Pi, that is a brilliant book...though I am not sure whether it constitutes for a "holiday" read?
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:42 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
My (French) husband recently enjoyed "A year in the merde" by Stephen Clarke - takes an interesting look at the French and life in Paris.

I had fun reading this one too. Stephen Clarke has recently published the sequel to the first volume. Volume 2 is called "Merde actually", which I thought was even better than the first one. And volume 3 is called "Merde happens". It's on my reading list but I haven't gotten round to starting it just yet.
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:46 PM Quote
Lucile wrote:
deebee wrote:
My (French) husband recently enjoyed "A year in the merde" by Stephen Clarke - takes an interesting look at the French and life in Paris.

I had fun reading this one too. Stephen Clarke has recently published the sequel to the first volume. Volume 2 is called "Merde actually", which I thought was even better than the first one. And volume 3 is called "Merde happens". It's on my reading list but I haven't gotten round to starting it just yet.

Hi Lucile. See, I didn't manage to get off here (will soon), LOL. We've got the 2nd one too but he didn't think it was quite as good as the first. Thanks though for the title of the 3rd (I'll put it on his birthday list for next month)
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:52 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
Hi Lucile. See, I didn't manage to get off here (will soon), LOL. We've got the 2nd one too but he didn't think it was quite as good as the first. Thanks though for the title of the 3rd (I'll put it on his birthday list for next month)

This board is addictive. I don't know how I'm going to cope when I get back to work! hehe
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 1:59 PM Quote
Lucile wrote:
deebee wrote:
Hi Lucile. See, I didn't manage to get off here (will soon), LOL. We've got the 2nd one too but he didn't think it was quite as good as the first. Thanks though for the title of the 3rd (I'll put it on his birthday list for next month)

This board is addictive. I don't know how I'm going to cope when I get back to work! hehe

I turned the PC off and then put it back on again just for 5 mins whilst I had a cup of tea *shakes head and sighs* - this time I'm going to swtich off properly, BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 2:03 PM Quote
Hard boiled wonderland and the End of the world -murikami


rockin down the highway - Grushkin , lots of nice pictures
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 5:19 PM Quote
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen!
Re: Holiday Reading Suggestions
Posts: 1269
isma Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 5:19 PM Quote
Tonie wrote:
deebee wrote:
"A year in the merde" by Stephen Clarke -

Seconded! I liked that book too :)

and thirted! ;-)
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