
Fran, do u think that...
Posts: 135
Luis Posted Tue 24 Jul, 2007 2:16 AM Quote
you guys might come to Costa Rica after the Mexico`s gig, just to rest some time and relax for a bit? :P (its very close)
Re: Fran, do u think that...
Posts: 92
loria Posted Tue 24 Jul, 2007 3:36 AM Quote
I've been to Costa Rica twice, and I have to agree with Luis, Fran - it's closer to Mexico than London and I can pretty much say you'll love it there - I sure did! I almost moved there and would have if money hadn't become such an issue ;)

Someone at Los Suenos resort recognized my Travis tshirt too last time I was there!
Re: Fran, do u think that...
Posts: 135
Luis Posted Wed 25 Jul, 2007 6:53 AM Quote
ohh nice to heard that !!! maybe u want to come as well again, let me know !
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