
Ain't it great...
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 9:48 PM Quote
When bands and artists on myspace reply to your messages to them- especially when you ask them a question about something. Just got a great message from Declan O'Rourke there. And now it's made me excited about his new album (which was what the question was about) in september :D

I think it's brilliant that these very busy people take time to reply to their fans. I really appreciated it! I've even had a reply from the Travis myspace, and we know how busy they've been the last while :) it's much appreciated! Cheers Fran and the TWT (or whoever handles the mail)

Anyone else had any nice responses from bands/artists they've messaged on myspace?
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 1062
audrey Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 9:50 PM Quote
ive had loads of awesome convos with people through myspace.
its great. :)
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 9:51 PM Quote
yeah, that's pretty cool!

how've you been, by the way?
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 9:54 PM Quote
yes, it makes you feel really special, and you are on a high for ages,

good for you
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 10:03 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
yeah, that's pretty cool!

how've you been, by the way?

Good thanks! Just been working away really, nothing exciting. How are you? Haven't seen you around here in a while
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 731
alyrtle Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 11:00 PM Quote
yeah! when the Travis Myspace first started, I messaged it, and got a reply from Mr. Fran Healy himself. I think I was a little more excited than what was healthy for me...
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 18 Jul, 2007 11:02 PM Quote
alyrtle wrote:
yeah! when the Travis Myspace first started, I messaged it, and got a reply from Mr. Fran Healy himself. I think I was a little more excited than what was healthy for me...

Oh yeah, it's great to get them from the Travis boys too! I was a little excited too, especially since it was the same week i first met them- what a week! :)
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 12:27 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
When bands and artists on myspace reply to your messages to them- especially when you ask them a question about something. Just got a great message from Declan O'Rourke there.

I have a question: who is Declan O'Rourke? Never heard of him :(
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 12:34 AM Quote
He's an Irish Singer/Songwriter. He was on V2 records but they dropped him after 1 album (losers!), but he's amazing. He's got a myspace and here's a video of one of my favourites on his album, Since Kyabram. There's more videos linked to that on YouTube, so just watch a few if you're not sure :)
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 12:40 AM Quote
Thanks for answering me, Paul. I'll take a look of his videos tomorrow, and I'll tell you if I like him or not.
By the way, you are the guy who likes The Frames, aren't you? If you are, you're discovering me artists I will never find by myself ;)
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 12:44 AM Quote
Well if you like The Frames, then liking our Declan should be a given- cos i love em both!

And you're welcome! :)
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 427
feri Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 4:58 AM Quote
Never happened, then again I never really write on an artist's myspace page because I don't really expect them to read it or anything lol.
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 7:54 AM Quote
I haven't really had any replies from anyone famous, but I've had friends requests from a couple of bands - usually I'm the one requesting friendships :o)

MySpace is a great invention, I think. You don't have to rely on radio to hear about new bands.
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 1:13 PM Quote
I got an email from the manager of one of my favourite bands last week.

And it wasn't in reply to me, but completely unexpected and spontaneous. We enjoyed a brief correspondence for, mmm, a whole hour! I've met him a few times at gigs. He's v nice.
Re: Ain't it great...
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Thu 19 Jul, 2007 5:11 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
I haven't really had any replies from anyone famous, but I've had friends requests from a couple of bands - usually I'm the one requesting friendships :o)

MySpace is a great invention, I think. You don't have to rely on radio to hear about new bands.

Yeah- Paolo Nutini tried to add me last week. I sent him a message asking him why (i've met him and didn't like the bloke) in a polite way- but had no reply.

Was very chuffed when Alan Parsons added me (Floyd fans should know...) :D
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