
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 11:49 AM Quote

i hope the bulls take as many of those cnuts as it can.
poor beasts. what with that shite and the feckin' bullfighting these poor animals have a crap existence so the more idiots they get to gore the better!

Re: Pamplona
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 11:54 AM Quote
The last man dying in the Pamplona race died in 1995. But each year there are quite a few peeps that end up with a ticket to the nearest hospital. i don't get these things. At least the bulls get a chance of getting even at Pamplona
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 11:57 AM Quote
It's a silly manhood test, that's what it is.
Re: Pamplona
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 12:00 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
It's a silly manhood test, that's what it is.

Which more than often ends with the disabling/ losing of the manhood:)
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 12:08 PM Quote
It's something that has been going on since the 13th Century.

For those involved it is part and parcel of their culture depending on how cruel and unfair you think it is.

To them it's their Superbowl, poor pigs.
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 12:09 PM Quote
Sanne (nl) wrote:
Hanne wrote:
It's a silly manhood test, that's what it is.

Which more than often ends with the disabling/ losing of the manhood:)

Well in some countries, the young men must let themselves be bitten by ants with a really painful bite, or get their chins pierced or something like that.

But yeah, it's incredibly stupid!
Re: Pamplona
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 3:21 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
It's a silly manhood test, that's what it is.

which is really ironic when you consider the clothes and hair products a LOT of these continental young men wear, they all look like roaring homos.

me and jonesy were in portugal last year and for a while at the airport we thought that a plane load of gay boys had landed for some fun in the sun but as it transpired it's just the style that's currently popular with the Spanish and Portuguese males, hence the irony with the whole manhood thing with the bulls...see i had a point here.
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 3:34 PM Quote
I find the whole thing cruel and disgusting! Why anyone would want be to so cruel and mean to animals is beyond me! Sad sick bastards! grrr
Re: Pamplona
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 3:35 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
I find the whole thing cruel and disgusting! Why anyone would want be to so cruel and mean to animals is beyond me! Sad sick bastards! grrr

yeah but they're MANLY sad sick bastards though. don't forget that.
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 4:23 PM Quote
Darran wrote:
To them it's their Superbowl, poor pigs.

I'm Spanish and San Fermín is not our superbowl, as you said. And I know what I'm talking about, because I live in this country. Some people love it; but some other hate it. I don't care. I don't wake up early in the morning to warch the "encierros" on the TV, because it's not important to me. So, before talking, you must know the situation.
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 4:24 PM Quote
Apologies in that case.
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 4:38 PM Quote
Darran wrote:
Apologies in that case.

That's OK. Don't worry ;)
Re: Pamplona
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 6:07 PM Quote
I hate *San fermin* too.
In my opinion is very stupid run in front of the bull...and then kill the bull...

THere are to many *stupid* things in the world and we can´t do nothing......
Re: Pamplona
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 6:13 PM Quote
I don't think that to run in front of the bulls and then kill them is stupid. I just don't like it, but it's a thing that we can't change. It's a tradition, and there are a lot of people who love it.
Re: Pamplona
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Mon 09 Jul, 2007 7:06 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
I don't think that to run in front of the bulls and then kill them is stupid. I just don't like it, but it's a thing that we can't change. It's a tradition, and there are a lot of people who love it.

yes I know.... is my opinion.....
Here in mallorca we dance around a devil while he is burning and after we make a bbq!! with sobrassadaaaaa!!!
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