
Posts: 270
Trixi Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 8:12 AM Quote
I think I'll start SCREAMING every second just to drown out the loud drilling and hammering in my house for a moment. It's going since 7:30 and probably will continue to 6 or 7 tonight.
First time I'm looking forward to go to work so I have my silence of this for 9 hours at least.
I even have to put Linus up at my mums while I'm not at home because it would drive him up the wall for sure.
it's really REALLY getting time to move out this building lot! Counting the days yet.
Hope you all had a better start in the day.
Re: arrgh...
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 8:38 AM Quote
that sounds lovely!
just blast out some music...
i got woken by the rubbish men at 6ish so i feel your pain.
Re: arrgh...
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 9:57 AM Quote
och that's really shitty. Hope they will give you peace at the weekend at least.
Re: arrgh...
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 12:45 PM Quote
Sorry for that trixi, that sounds mind-fooking! Hey, it will be all silent again when you get back from work! Look at the bright side! :-)
Re: arrgh...
Posts: 270
Trixi Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 9:45 PM Quote
aw thanks guys..och sunday is my day off so I will do nothing but *whispers* sleeeeeping...and enjoying the silence ;)
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