
Concerts in germany?
Posts: 14
Ulanka Posted Sun 01 Jul, 2007 2:10 PM Quote
You know, I really don't want to be rude, so I apologize if this here appears so.
Yesterday I saw a short Travis-concert on a german channel and it really made me so happy just to see it on TV.
So I'd like to know if there is the possibility that Travis come here to Germany again to play a few concerts..
I know that they were at Rock am Ring (or was it the park?) and that they did some promo here...
But there has not been a "real" concert in a city this time..and I*d really like to see them, because the last time they were playing concerts here I was just...14 or so *laughs* and now I'm turning 19 and it's one of my biggest wish to see them once live.

And: If it is not possible, what about the netherlands?
Thx, take care <3
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