
All My Children gets CLOSER
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 11:21 PM Quote
Okay...i'm gonna try this and not feel so afraid to take a leap out into unknown territory...

Today i took my lunch break earlier than i usually do, i watch my favorite soap from 1-2, turned on the tube and All My Children was still on. I sat there for one split second and the music was familiar...the intro... it's Travis...CLOSER and it was played in its entirety. To hear that tune, it made me very happy. That tune in particular is oh so comforting. Who would've thought that today would be special, i just happened to change my schedule, and there they were...Travis being heard over National television:)

Re: All My Children gets CLOSER
Posts: 235
Els* Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 11:38 PM Quote
thats a nice break.

damn you. how come we always do things at the same time? i posted for the first time on the "general chat" thread. ahahaha coincedence or mind reader? you tell me.
Re: All My Children gets CLOSER
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 11:42 PM Quote
We're sisters. Don't fight the power! Although when we say things at the same time with the same tone and it sounds like in stereo, that definitely bugs me.
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