
Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:05 PM Quote

...Turn and Driftwood have been slain by their melody-wielding opponents, but their spirits remain. In the darkness of the song graveyard, the two songs stir. Driftwood has a grudge against Turn because Turn got higher in the charts. Turn says it was perfectly justified. Driftwood gets angry and attempts to punch Turn in the face. However they're just ghosts now and his fist goes straight through his adversary’s head. So they decide to settle it with a game of rock, paper, scissors.

The Great Rock, Paper, Scissors match of the Travis Tune Graveyard

Driftwood -VS- Turn

All the other song spirits circle around as Driftwood drifts into the arena, and Turn turns to face his opponent. The epic match commences. But who wins? You decide.

Like The Final, this round closes Friday at midday.
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:06 PM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:12 PM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 462
Ruudio Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:15 PM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 61
knl Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 12:42 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 527
emmahealy Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 3:44 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 41
invisibleman18 Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 3:50 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Sky-Blue Puppy
Posts: 278
Sky-Blue Puppy Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 6:51 AM Quote
Driftwood! Driftwood!! Driftwood!!!

Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Fer Fer
Posts: 77
Fer Fer Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 7:03 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 7:50 AM Quote
It should have been in the final
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
la femme qui
Posts: 259
la femme qui Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 8:00 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 8:02 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Baby Fran
Posts: 218
Baby Fran Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 8:44 AM Quote
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 303
Mikko85 Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 11:31 AM Quote
amazed this isn't the final, these are the two I chose in the semi!!!

Turn. Just.
Re: Song Showdown 3rd Place Playoff
Posts: 758
ayana Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 12:51 PM Quote
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