
Album Chart
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 6:53 PM Quote
I remember we had trouble working out where The Boy With No Name was in the charts earlier in the week, but it's seems to have sorted itself out now anyway. They're number 8. And the Manics may have got 2nd last week, but they're 10th this week. So ha - Travis have more longevity.

Btw, the old smilies have disappeared already. :( Did you manage to save them Andrew? If you put em up on photobucket or something and give me the link, that'd be cool. I'll be able to put them back on the list then. :D
Re: Album Chart
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 6:55 PM Quote
Told you it was number 8 ;)

...and yep give me 5 minutes while I find the password for the photobucket where all the Traviscam stuff was
Re: Album Chart
Posts: 240
nesmap Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 6:55 PM Quote
I saved them ;)
Re: Album Chart
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 7:01 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Told you it was number 8 ;)

...and yep give me 5 minutes while I find the password for the photobucket where all the Traviscam stuff was

Did you say 8? Ah can't remember. You have no proof now cos the old board is gone, haha. ;P

Cheers for the smilie thing.
Re: Album Chart
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 7:07 PM Quote
Exactly! In fact I'll just take this opportunity to congratulate myself on being right about pretty much everything on the old board.
Re: Album Chart
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 7:12 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Exactly! In fact I'll just take this opportunity to congratulate myself on being right about pretty much everything on the old board.

Haha. Damn, so the no proof thing works both ways I see. =P

Hey it works loads better on photobucket than my crappy list, lol. I'll make a list on photobucket instead.
Thanks for the smilies.
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