
Joost - free invitations!
part time dave
Posts: 4
part time dave Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 3:54 PM Quote
Ah how the world has changed. When I first came online to this website, it was a white home page with circles that changed colours when you rolled over them. One day, a new circle appeared, but did nothing, like it was teasing me. Then, without a fanfare, the circle suddenly worked, and a stream of the band rehearsing in some studio somewhere, previewing tracks from the new album "The Man Who". It crashed, obviously, but was AMAZING. Then, videos started to come onto the site, a bit slow, but you could watch them WHEN YOU WANTED!! No longer did you have to record MTV or The Box incase your favourite video came on.

Obviously things have moved on somewhat. Joost. Dunno if you've seen it, or heard about it, but its TV on demand (YES!) to your computer (YAY!) that's FREE and has some decent things to watch on it!

As its still in the testing phase, you have to register, and then get approved as a beta tester ie. they aren't letting everyone have it unless you work for a record company or you are a film director.. but oops - I've found a link on another site and you can invite yourself in :) And it works!

What's next? A Travis Joost channel? How cool would that be.

Joost Invites On Digital Spy
Re: Joost - free invitations!
Posts: 6
passerby Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 4:31 PM Quote
cheers for that link - very interesting.

This kind of service is going really change things I reckon, why should you have to watch anything anymore at a prescribed time - sooner the major broadcasters/networks get their heads around it the better.
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