
Music discovery in Berlin, Fran check them out if you can?
sorry angel
Posts: 712
sorry angel Posted Thu 06 Aug, 2015 3:58 PM Quote
Bonjour all,

Not been around in years, c'est la vie and it's busy. We were last week in Berlin, what a hugely cool place! We coincidentally saw Hester and Holly Rose, a young couple and band from Manchester currently touring/busking in Germany. They performed in Mauerpark and said they were going to settle in Berlin. They are truely superb! Touching, delicate, deep, I am sure they will do well and the public there with us was really loving their music a lot! I thought they were worth being mentionned if any of you are interested in checking them out and perhaps even Fran can see them since there settling in Berlin.

All the best to all.

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