
A Quietus Interview of Fran
Posts: 155
Loubsi Posted Tue 19 Nov, 2013 5:20 PM Quote
Here is the link to an interview of Fran I've recently found by chance: I find it very interesting and quite unusual (and this thing about "being nice" talks to me a lot actually...)

I don't think this has already been posted. Otherwise, this is for all of you who missed it just as I did. ;-)
Re: A Quietus Interview of Fran
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 20 Nov, 2013 6:42 AM Quote
This was a great read. Thanks for posting it!
Re: A Quietus Interview of Fran
Posts: 154
fenririel Posted Wed 20 Nov, 2013 6:39 PM Quote
Loubsi wrote:
Here is the link to an interview of Fran I've recently found by chance: I find it very interesting and quite unusual (and this thing about "being nice" talks to me a lot actually...)

I hear you. I believe the so called niceness gives the band it's own personality. It's not something they fake. That honesty is something that actually makes me happy when I'm listening their music.

Many people won't regard "being nice" as a quality, maybe because "to be nice" sounds like "to hide whatever unpleasant is within you". That means: if you're nice, you're lying to me (I don't know, why, this made me think of Dr. House...)

Maybe the niceness should be about sticking to it while it's true. Who knows. Thanks for the link!
Re: A Quietus Interview of Fran
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 27 Nov, 2013 5:17 PM Quote
Such a great interview :)

Thanks :)

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