
feels like home
Dypebooggep Posted Fri 16 Aug, 2013 9:57 PM Quote
just got my deluxe edition today via Amazon and I got to say that it gives me the same feeling like coming home after a few weeks of being away from home and seeing those two coloured cows ( in Bavaria we say "gscheckad" ) on my way on the Autobahn which tells me that I'm home. So to me it just fits that you can see two of them on the Album cover ;)
After five years of waiting I can just say thank you guys for this great piece of music which I'm enjoying right now!
hope to here more of you and someday even see you performing your wonderful music live on stage!

Re: feels like home
Posts: 303
Delia24Oct07 Posted Mon 19 Aug, 2013 4:14 PM Quote
This is exactly what I felt about hearing the new album for the first time today (apart from the chills of excitment about how beautiful the songs are), it's like coming home, no matter how long they have been away, if you hear the harmonies of the song and Fran's voice and listen to those beautifully and so true written lyrics it's just home. This is Travis. And I love it!!!
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