Posts: 38 |
SongToSelf Posted Tue 21 May, 2013 11:18 PM |
Hi TWT we have another bug happening that is extremely serious - posts are being posted except they are replacing the last message wherever that they be by whoever and being labelled wrongly by the username.
username = songtoself
If this turns up somewhere else, I prove my point.
I will double post this just to see what happens.
Please fix, cheers all. Travis deserve a working busy messageboard. |

Posts: 498 |
travisturkey Posted Wed 22 May, 2013 3:44 PM |
SongToSelf wrote: Did we get a message from TWT at least ACKNOWLEDGING the problem?
That was me ( travisturkey) and I intended to send it to another thread :S |

Posts: 4822 |
TheBoyWithAName Posted Wed 22 May, 2013 6:10 PM |
Well it is a long, long time since I have been here but was drawn to the site to check tour & album release dates. I decided to have a sneaky peek at the message board whilst I was here and stumbled across this post. It brought back happy memories of the people I met here whilst I was growing up.
Looking forward to the new album as it had been a while. I'm gutted I'll not make it to T20 as been going to T since 1997 but can't go as I'll be heavily pregnant at the time. Here's hoping for some decent TV coverage.
I see Fran & others have mentioned the old school posters. I should also give an honourable mention to Aiko, who made several trips to the UK to see the band. Sadly we lost touch. Also Nina the dentist & Hayley were amongst those addicted to this board.
Hope all is well with everyone. Really pleased the hiatus is over!
I did not write this post(TheBoyWithAName). |

Posts: 11 |
Elaine 2 Posted Wed 22 May, 2013 7:43 PM |
What the hell has happened here lol.

Posts: 368 |
melissa Posted Thu 23 May, 2013 11:44 PM |
It was me! and I didn't wrote the message here |

Posts: 38 |
SongToSelf Posted Thu 30 May, 2013 7:41 PM |
melissa wrote: Hi Folks,
Hopefully the MB probs are sorted now - Just wanted to say hello and remind those of you down on the South Coast we are playing at the BIC tomorrow evenin. We are lookin forward to playing and seeing those of you who are coming along. Have a good Bank Holiday weekend. Nxx
fiiiiix the probleeeeem |

Posts: 3258 |
mili Posted Fri 31 May, 2013 6:35 AM |
melissa wrote: I haven't tested this yet. Wonder where my post is going?
Wow, wrong thread and wrong name!
Mili |