
Apology to Fran...
Posts: 23
Dex Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2012 7:08 PM Quote
I recently went on to Fran's facebook page and proceeded to mildly vent my impatience at Travis' apparent laziness, i.e. lack of news/recordings/appearances of the past 4-5 years. It was something along the lines of 'have the band taken early retirement? must be nice having 4 years off work' lol.
Little did I know that within a matter of a few days the band would release news of the fact that they're alive and well, and of course busying themselves in a Norwegian studio making their 7th album. Either my timing was inherently bad and I made an absolute fool of myself, or maybe I inspired some work ethic into them.. lol who knows?
I'm a happy guy knowing there's a new album coming anyway:D
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