
I've been wondering... so I ask
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 25 Jan, 2012 12:07 PM Quote
I've read somewhere that "Flowers in the window" was actually written by Fran AND Paul McCartney.. Is that true? And if it is, why isn't he credited?

Second thing I'm wondering is, how tall is Fran? :p

Thanks :D
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Wed 25 Jan, 2012 4:25 PM Quote
That is not true (well, I'm 98% sure it isn't true).

And I don't know how tall Fran is.
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 25 Jan, 2012 5:01 PM Quote
Thank you so much!!

Does someone know more about these subjects?
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 25 Jan, 2012 5:03 PM Quote
Sorry to double post! I couldn't find an 'EDIT' button.
This is where I got the McCartney info from : Wikipedia, I bet you're not surprised haha
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Wed 25 Jan, 2012 11:08 PM Quote
Maybe it's true. I certainly didn't know that. I know when it was written etc, but I didn't realise it had anything to do with Paul McCartney (if it's true).
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Thu 26 Jan, 2012 7:20 AM Quote
BenFilbert wrote:
Maybe it's true. I certainly didn't know that. I know when it was written etc, but I didn't realise it had anything to do with Paul McCartney (if it's true).

You never know with Wikipedia, it could be all rubbish.

Dypebooggep wrote:

Second thing I'm wondering is, how tall is Fran? :p

Thanks :D

Fran's not very tall, 180ish (cm), or a bit under, perhaps. I'm not very good at estimating people's hight, but the one time I met him he didn't seem that tall.
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Dypebooggep Posted Thu 26 Jan, 2012 8:50 AM Quote
Thanks so much for your answers! :D Does anyone else have something else to add about these topics? I find it strange that Fran/Travis/the label wouldn't credit McCartney if he did co-wrote a song. That would make some great promotion, I can see the sticker on the album : 'includes Flowers in the window co-written by McCartney'. Maybe it was because of that reason that he wasn't credit..
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Posts: 440
Sarah- Posted Sun 29 Jan, 2012 10:13 PM Quote
Fran has told the story about Flowers In the Window a lot. He never mentioned Paul McCartney, so I don't think it's true.

Anyway, in case you haven't heard it, here's the story about when and where the song was written (and Dougie being sick) ;)

edit: I don't know how tall Fran is exactly, but in my profile pic you can see us standing next to each other - I'm 177cm, so maybe that helps ;D
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Posts: 92
roxytobias Posted Sat 04 Feb, 2012 12:51 AM Quote
i checked the link to the reference where wiki got the info and i didn't see any topic about fran or FITW on the page. Anyways; a long way back, i've read a magazine (i think NME? or Q? not sure anymore) which asked the same thing and Fran blamed one other magazine (i forgot..) for spreading the wrong news. apparently, during the other magazine's interview, fran shared the story about how he played the then new FITW song to Paul and how towards the end, Paul already learned the melody and lyrics and was able to finish it- meaning he was able to sing the song or sing along towards the end.. :)
Re: I've been wondering... so I ask
Dypebooggep Posted Sat 04 Feb, 2012 8:55 AM Quote
Thanks for answering guys! :)

Ok, so FINTW wasn't co-written by Paul McCartney! Cool. I'm not suprised Fran wrote that masterpiece all by himself though. He's the best songwriter out there with Paul McCartney and Noel Gallagher. ;)
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