
best albums of the last 25 years
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Wed 29 Dec, 2010 4:03 PM Quote
To celebrate Q Magazine's 25th birthday they asked their readers to vote for their favourite albums of its lifetime.

01) 'OK Computer' - Radiohead
02) 'Nevermind' - Nirvana
03) '(What's The Story) Morning Glory?' - Oasis
04) 'Definitely Maybe' - Oasis
05) 'Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not' - Arctic Monkeys
06) 'The Joshua Tree' - U2
07) 'The Stone Roses' - The Stone Roses
08) 'The Bends' - Radiohead
09) 'Achtung Baby' - U2
10) 'Black Holes and Revelations' - Muse

What do you think? What would you add or remove from the list?
Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 29 Dec, 2010 4:11 PM Quote
Why isn't New Kids on the Block on that list???
Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Wed 29 Dec, 2010 5:37 PM Quote
I think it's maybe cause they were shite. Didn't a boardie go and see them way back in the day?
Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 29 Dec, 2010 6:29 PM Quote
monkey wrote:
To celebrate Q Magazine's 25th birthday they asked their readers to vote for their favourite albums of its lifetime.

01) 'OK Computer' - Radiohead
02) 'Nevermind' - Nirvana
03) '(What's The Story) Morning Glory?' - Oasis
04) 'Definitely Maybe' - Oasis
05) 'Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not' - Arctic Monkeys
06) 'The Joshua Tree' - U2
07) 'The Stone Roses' - The Stone Roses
08) 'The Bends' - Radiohead
09) 'Achtung Baby' - U2
10) 'Black Holes and Revelations' - Muse

What do you think? What would you add or remove from the list?

Two Radiohead albums so No Surprises there (pun very much intended). I would go with OK Computer to slightly edge The Bends but that's just personal taste, looking at the rest it's quite a "safe" list, Two U2 albums, 2 Oasis albums, Nirvana, The Stone Roses. IMHO doubling up on bands takes up space for 3 other albums. Achtung Baby and Morning Glory again would be my choice, The Joshua Tree has it's head so far up it's own arse and Definately Maybe is nowhere near as good as Morning Glory (again IMO). I also think of the Arctic Monkeys as a sort of novelty band.

I think this list says more about the readers of Q, than it does about the best albums, it's very "rock" with a capital "R". I mean no Massive Attack? Blue Lines, Protection or Mezzanine (personally I'd go with Protection). No Public Enemy? It Takes a Nation or Fear of a Black Planet. No Dummy by Portishead? Even stuff I'm not hugely fond of, Goldfrapp's Felt Mountain ? for example.

Mind you if you were to compile a list by asking every single person in the UK we'd end up with something like Susan Boyle at number 1, because most people are morons when it comes to making an informed decision about what you actually like, they are spoon fed the X-factor type shit and like good little sheep they lap it up.

I'd also, from a very personal point of view, like to see Mogwai's Come On Die Young, Elbow's Seldom Seen Kid and The Cocteau Twin's Heaven or Las Vegas.

Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Wed 29 Dec, 2010 7:16 PM Quote
No TFCs' Grand Prix ? Bandwagoneque ? Songs from Northern Britain ?


Invisible band or the boy who ....... either ?
Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Wed 29 Dec, 2010 11:56 PM Quote
Most of those seem pretty solid in that they're albums that are generally considered to be standouts of the last two-and-a-half decades. But obviously music is subjective. I much prefer Muse's Absolution to Black Holes, and I'd stick The Man Who on the heals of OK Computer (but, well, this is a Travis board :P). The likes of R.E.M., Dire Straits, Coldplay, Chili Peppers and Elbow would likely sit in (or at least near) my top 10. And I'd probably sneak a Beatles one in and see if anyone notices lol. ;)
Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Thu 30 Dec, 2010 1:20 AM Quote
monkey wrote:
I think it's maybe cause they were shite. Didn't a boardie go and see them way back in the day?

I saw them in 1990. It was my first ever concert. 55,000 screaming girls. It was quite overwhelming.
Re: best albums of the last 25 years
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Fri 31 Dec, 2010 6:41 PM Quote
monkey wrote:
01) 'OK Computer' - Radiohead
02) 'Nevermind' - Nirvana
03) '(What's The Story) Morning Glory?' - Oasis
04) 'Definitely Maybe' - Oasis
05) 'Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not' - Arctic Monkeys
06) 'The Joshua Tree' - U2
07) 'The Stone Roses' - The Stone Roses
08) 'The Bends' - Radiohead
09) 'Achtung Baby' - U2
10) 'Black Holes and Revelations' - Muse

No Coldplay on the top 10? I'm very surprised.
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