Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had heard any rumblings about possible tour dates (in scotland area) that Fran or Travis might be performing at. I have loved Travis & Fran since my tender junior highschool years and have never been able to catch them in concert. I live in Georgia and the only time the came close to this state (though really, who could blame them) my parents deemed me as too young to go. However, now, Travis/Fran still being my very favorite. Somehow they/he have sucessfully eluded me! This weekend my fiance gave me perhaps the most romantic proposal ever---why not plan our honeymoon so I would get to see them in concert! I was so surprised and happy, and nonetheless am trying to make that happen. I have loved them for most of my life,and what better than to be able to see the artist(s) i love with the man I love!
So long story short--
We are willing to go to them in Scotland, or wherever to get to see them!
Anyone know of any possibles? I am thinking it will need to happen anytime march-may.