
Help: Harmonica in Luv
Posts: 92
roxytobias Posted Wed 18 Aug, 2010 2:35 PM Quote
I would really want to learn harmonica to basically just play Luv whilst singing and strumming.. I'm getting excited to buy one but I learned there are just so many types! They say rock and blues use diatonic and that for starters, you gotta choose the key of C.. but i'm thinking what if that isn't the one used to play Luv? Does anybody know Fran's comb in Luv? Would extremely appreciate an answer. thanks!!
Re: Help: Harmonica in Luv
Posts: 92
roxytobias Posted Sun 22 Aug, 2010 2:47 AM Quote
well, since nobody would seem to know the answer, i'm getting a diatonic in the key of c meantime. would buy the rest when i get the hang of it...
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