
Unused degrees...
Posts: 209
cosmic Posted Wed 09 Jun, 2010 12:08 AM Quote
So its been a year tomorrow that RGU awarded me with my 1st in Law... and a year later, still no further forward getting a job and that's with 6 months plugged into a diploma I did not particularly want... Anyone else on the exact same boat as me? Its beginning to drive me completely crazy, I've got an interview tomorrow for a bloody retail shop job. Stacking shelves and on a checkout, simply to get me away from hospitality hours as they are killing me softly and leaving me devoid of a social life... What the hell did I ever do to deserve this?!
Re: Unused degrees...
Posts: 173
Peculiar Posted Sat 12 Jun, 2010 4:16 PM Quote
I am. Got a degree and can't even get a reliable bar job. Have applied for literally hundreds of jobs in the last year or so. It's incredibly frustrating.
Re: Unused degrees...
Posts: 48
morag_h Posted Sun 13 Jun, 2010 6:46 PM Quote
Yup. I have a degree in Animal Health & Welfare, but I'm working in a hospital lab. The only vague connection is the scientific basis. And that's 5 years since I graduated.
Re: Unused degrees...
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Sun 13 Jun, 2010 11:43 PM Quote
Yeah I'm sort of in that position. I haven't looked for grad jobs in any real depth though because I'm going to do a course in Manchester this September, so the plan was to bag any job to save up for it (I got a job in WHSmiths which, hearing from some people I'm lucky to even have that). The course I'm doing is in audio production, and I'm hoping it'll be valuable alongside my degree because it's very hands-on and practical, working with industry standard equipment and building up a portfolio of stuff that will hopefully be more tangible and real than a degree sadly seems to be these days.
Re: Unused degrees...
Posts: 209
cosmic Posted Wed 28 Jul, 2010 10:41 PM Quote
I know how you're all feeling... Thank god I'm not the only one. Problem in Aberdeen is unless your degree is in engineering or quantity surveyoring, there is little hope of getting work at all. So tempted just to get away from here... makes me totally miserable :(
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