
Picket Club, Liverpool
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Mon 10 May, 2010 7:00 PM Quote
Just a little anecdote about Travis from my weekend in Liverpool. If Fran has a read of this, or any Liverpool fans for that matter, please feel free to put me right on any facts I get wrong.....

So it was my birthday yesterday :) and to celebrate we went up to Liverpool for a sort of music and comedy pilgrimage. Basically to see the legendary city of culture in all its glory.

We were not disappointed....

First of all, we took the Pete Wylie rock history walking tour of the city. It was a download, before any '80's musos get excited. Sadly we didn't get to meet Pete Wylie, although a local cabbie did call him "the fat bastard", and gave us Pete's address in case the tour was a disappointment!!!

In fact it was a superb street by street study of all the venues and significant addresses, past and present, of Liverpool's pop music phenomenon. When we got to Leece Street, Pete mentioned the Picket Club, and said that in the '90's lots of relevant acts performed there, including blah, blah, blah and Travis.......

So, Fran, what set did you play there? Was this in the Good Feeling era or The Man Who? What memories do you have?

We're told that the Picket Club is now in Hardman Street, but that when you played there, it was at the original location.....

Long story short, that guided walk was one of the highlights of the weekend. (The comedy was excellent too -Lee Mack at the Philharmonic Hall)

The other highlight was seeing a live Beatles tribute act at the Cavern last night. And.....picking up the 50th anniversary souvenir cd, which includes, amoungst many others, Why Does it Always Rain on Me....And Fran's photo is mounted on the wall of the stairs into the club, where he's really giving it some on the vocals! Go Fran!!!

Another question: was that during the 2004 singles tour, when I'm sure you played there, or had you been there previously?

Either way, that is one amazing music venue. What a privilege that must have been...

As I've (most publicly) proclaimed that I've been feeling the loss of Travis of late, this weekend was a real shot in the arm. I know it was more along the nostalgia lines than a ray of hope for the future, but it reminded me of the wonderful Travis I know and love, and want back!!!!

Wow, what a load of waffle. Sorry for babbling on, but it has left me on a real high, and I needed to share.

Thanks folks. Have a great evening!
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