
Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 6:01 PM Quote
As some know, The writter of the Twilight Saga likes Travis, so i make this thread about ypur opinions. Would you like to see a Travis song on the Soundtrack of the Next Twilight Movie?
Personally i kind of hate the Twilight Saga, i hate the characters, and the story.
I love Muse, but i remember a time when (at least here) you say "Muse are great!" and people say "who?" Now it is like "OMG!! I love Muse! I Love Supermassive Blackhole!! <3" they became extremely known after Supermassive blackhole was part of the soundtrack. So, the writer likes Travis, as she put WDIAROM on her playlist.
I mean, it could be great for the band to be more known, though at the same time could be wrong, It all depends what the Band wants i mean. And of course i would like people to like Travis, actually i have turn some of my Friends into Travis Fans (muahaha!!) but that is the point, People to liek Travis for what they are and not because of a very popular Saga.
I'm like a jealous fan, i would hate comments like some i heard about Muse. But there's actually one, that makes me hate more the Twilight Saga. Once a found a Video on Youtube, about Twilight, just images of the Movies, with WDIAROM. and see a comment that said "OMG!! Is it Robert Pattison singing!?" PUAJJJJ.....
So, what do you think, would you like it?
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 261
melissam3173 Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 6:24 PM Quote
LOL I love the Twilight series. But I do not like the whole thing with the teens thinking they know music becos of it. I would not like it becos thats also the way lots of them found out about Iron & Wine and like you said Muse (which I think was their breaking point). I honestly don't think it would change Travis(they have been in popular television etc. before and hasn't changed anything). But as far as the younger kids it would totally make me sad for them to ruin Travis over these flicks. I kind of like to think they are exclusive despite the writers feelings lol. I mean she is of mormon faith too and no one's running to religion right?!!
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 6:39 PM Quote
Never read/seen Twilight so can't comment on that really. If it opens up Travis to a wider audience then I think that would be a good thing. :) With regards to Muse, maybe it helped them in other countries but they were headlining Glastonbury and doing 70,000 people stadium gigs in England before Twilight helped them along. :)
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 7:06 PM Quote
yeap, i belive in all America (the continent) and don't know what other countries, it helped a lot to Muse, to become a very famous Band. They were at least in my country very succesful, but at the same time it lots of people didn't know the band. After the movie everyone was listening Supermassive Blackhole, i was t school at that time, and some people there didn't know Muse, after the movie lost of people were listening to Muse, the bad thing it was they only heard Supermassive. I believe the same on Argentina for what Melissa says.
In the Uk it's different, i've seen Muse giving shows on stadiums there (not on person of course).
If it helps to the band to be more known somehow it's a good point, because Travis is a very underrated Band, and an amazing band (that why they're my #1) But in other hand i wouldn't like people just like Travis because it's on a popular Movie. I don't know, i actually love to hear Travis songs on Movies, just don't on a Twilight one haha.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 7:10 PM Quote
Stephenie Meyer is actually a fan of Travis. At least some of their music. In her books before they were ever picked up for movies, she created her own "playlist" for each book that she came up with in her mind as she wrote the books. She listed WDIAROM, Luv, and Safe on those playlists.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 7:21 PM Quote
Meridith wrote:
Stephenie Meyer is actually a fan of Travis. At least some of their music. In her books before they were ever picked up for movies, she created her own "playlist" for each book that she came up with in her mind as she wrote the books. She listed WDIAROM, Luv, and Safe on those playlists.

yeap, so would you like it?
I mean i don't like twilight, but i respect everyone likes,
I spent some time critizing it haha, but i stopped because karme will give me back everyword i said hahaha.
So, it is good that Meyer is a fan it's like "hey! she likes Travis! that's amazing! and some song has inspired her" (and i understand this, because i've been inspiring too by two band exactly like her (Muse and Travis)
To Muse, it is even a good thing, they were trying harder to be more succesful, and they're now more succesful.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 7:33 PM Quote
In some way it would help Travis. In the way that they're gonna be more recognized and all that. But as Jesús said, I don't want people (and specially teenagers) to know Travis because of Twilight. I don't like the whole Twilight thing.

Yeah for example, Muse, Twilight helped them a lot. Actually they're coming to Mexico next year, and I'm sure a lot of 'fans' will go to see them, and they just know them because of Twilight!

If you ask me: 'Hey, would you like a Travis song to appear in Twilight?' I would say: No.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 264
joss Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 8:15 PM Quote
Rammsfer wrote:
In some way it would help Travis. In the way that they're gonna be more recognized and all that. But as Jesús said, I don't want people (and specially teenagers) to know Travis because of Twilight. I don't like the whole Twilight thing.

Yeah for example, Muse, Twilight helped them a lot. Actually they're coming to Mexico next year, and I'm sure a lot of 'fans' will go to see them, and they just know them because of Twilight!

If you ask me: 'Hey, would you like a Travis song to appear in Twilight?' I would say: No.

¨Yeah, that's true! Twilight films like stupid teenages!!
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Safe Side
Posts: 253
Safe Side Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 11:28 PM Quote
Ive thought about this alot, i too dont like people getting into music and thinking they know everything but I think people are being a bit tough on these kids whats wrong with them finding out about bands through a film if it opens there world up to some new cool music, ive heard loads on music on films and found bands that i now love and own loads of albums of and would never have found them without the films. I think it would be great for Travis to put a song into Twilight and give some other people the joy we all know
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Sun 03 Jan, 2010 12:11 AM Quote
Safe Side wrote:
Ive thought about this alot, i too dont like people getting into music and thinking they know everything but I think people are being a bit tough on these kids whats wrong with them finding out about bands through a film if it opens there world up to some new cool music, ive heard loads on music on films and found bands that i now love and own loads of albums of and would never have found them without the films. I think it would be great for Travis to put a song into Twilight and give some other people the joy we all know

As i said before, i like to see Travis's songs on a Film, i've seen on TV some movies and suddenly a Travis song appears, and it's amazing, it makes me smile actually. And i have discover some bands on movies too. If i'll ever get to make a movie i definately would like to use a Travis song.
The problem with Twilight, it's that some people (not everyone) of course, gives another sense to all. Again with Muse, for example, people started thinking of Muse like "the Twilight Band" or "the twilight song" Not as Muse, that fortunately was after. And with the song meaning happens the same. And other people says "OMG!! I LOVE MUSE!!!" and then you realize some of them think though they were a new band, and Supermassive Blackhole was their first ever Single.
But well it's only my opinion about what i hate of the Twilight Saga haha. It's only with it, Because i really enjoy when another people know Travis, or to become another person into a Travis Fan, i have made it with some friends.
And another example, it wasn't massive, but a little group of people knew Travis with Love will come trough, and they first heard of them on Grey's Anatomy. And that's great. I mean i wouldn't like Travis known as "the song of Twilight!" or "that band on the twilight movie"
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Sun 03 Jan, 2010 1:03 AM Quote
I wouldn't mind hearing a Travis song of the next soundtrack. I do like the books and movies and it would be nice way to gain a new audience. About Muse, I don't think they have a problem with being associated with the films and a newer audience. If that were the case they wouldn't have gave permission to use their songs on the soundtracks for both movies. Its not just a younger audience either. I've liked Muse since before the movies. I think maybe they are the ones who gained the biggest increase in fans because Stephenie Meyer is such a big fan and was inspired by them the most.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 03 Jan, 2010 2:06 AM Quote
I'm glad you explained yourself further because at first I was thinking you were exemplifying what I started a thread about a few months ago; which was to ask why to people get so bent out of shape over the "latecomers" to a band? But when you said you don't want Muse or Travis to be known as the "Twilight band" that makes sense.

What I say to that is the people who think of Muse as the Twilight band, well, they are idiots. They are people who blindly follow trends and what's popular and never explore for themselves. But there are others who heard the Muse song in the first movie and bought their albums and are now fans. Good for them, good for Muse. So I say, awesome if Travis does a song for any future Twilight movies. (though I don't see that happening)

P.S. Death Cab for Cutie did a song for the New Moon soundtrack and I don't think they are suddenly a Twilight band. I think Muse was just about to explode on this side of the Atlantic regardless of the movie.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Sun 03 Jan, 2010 7:10 AM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
I'm glad you explained yourself further because at first I was thinking you were exemplifying what I started a thread about a few months ago; which was to ask why to people get so bent out of shape over the "latecomers" to a band? But when you said you don't want Muse or Travis to be known as the "Twilight band" that makes sense.

What I say to that is the people who think of Muse as the Twilight band, well, they are idiots. They are people who blindly follow trends and what's popular and never explore for themselves. But there are others who heard the Muse song in the first movie and bought their albums and are now fans. Good for them, good for Muse. So I say, awesome if Travis does a song for any future Twilight movies. (though I don't see that happening)

P.S. Death Cab for Cutie did a song for the New Moon soundtrack and I don't think they are suddenly a Twilight band. I think Muse was just about to explode on this side of the Atlantic regardless of the movie.

haha, nope, i actually don't like that comments about "latecomers" Because you will always find new bands for you and that band may have a time, or even some albums out already. But you just discovered it. It happens here, that a new fan came here and they just discovered Travis, and i didn't knew Travis since Good Feeling, so at some point i was a "Latecomer". And i love new peope discover Travis, because The Band deserve it.

So that actually what i hate about Twilight you say it better than i did. people following trends, making comment about "OmG!! I <3 that TwiLiGht BaND!!" haha and for example, that one of the Travis video with the comment that saya "is that robert pattinson singing?"
But in other hand, you're quite right, some people discovered on the movie the band, got interested about it, and buy the whole discography, or follow since that moment to the band, so that is a good thing. I have that issue with Twilight haha, because i love, i really love to see Travis's songs on Movies. It makes me smile, because sometimes is a little rare

Yes you're right with Death Cab, thoug in the first movie, it happen the same to Paramore (i dont liek paramore) here that band was unknown, and after everyone was listening "the paramore's twilight song" haha. But maybe both bands were about to explode. So that's good for them, even if i don't like paramore.

So this leads me to a question i have about it. What would the band think about this? I mean, if they became suddenly Very Famous, would they like it? or would they prefer to be just like they are? i mean this is a question with no answer so i'm just thinking what would be better for them. Because that's the important thing. What they want to be, and what they want to do.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Sun 03 Jan, 2010 10:10 AM Quote

I don't like the films too much, to be honest. However I think it'll help Travis to spread their music. I work with Teenies and they're all crazy about the Twilight and are listening to the first 2 soundtracks all the time. So yes, it'll may help.

However again, the autor of the book has no saying whatsoever when it comes to the music in the film. As far as I know she sold those rights to the company.
Re: Travis on a Twilight Movie?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 03 Jan, 2010 12:43 PM Quote
No Death Cab is on 2nd soundtrack.
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