
Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Wed 30 Dec, 2009 11:03 PM Quote
bottom line: How are you gonna spend this night? Any traditions?
I was wondering what I shall do tomorrow night, since it'll be the first and last night for me "at home" at New Year's Eve...I miss our traditions...

Our traditions:
Normally the whole family with friends and acquaintances (about 40-50pl) go up the mountains where we stay for a week celebrating, skiing, drinking, singing, playing etc.etc.

On Silvester, that's how we call this special night, we have several important traditions.
1. Skiing longer than everybody else does (remember: we live UP the mountain: so take take care that you catch the last ski lift running...
2. First around 4-5pm Après-Ski party:
3. Then, everybody wants to take a shower - which always turns out to be a problem since we only got 2 showers. So when everybody's waiting in the halls for a some hot water, people start out bringing THE raidio (yeah, we only got one) the guitars and: the whisky! (also sweet things for us women :))..when some men suddenly decide to take the radio into their shower..well...we go where the radio goes:
4.Then, after eating, playing cards ..getting sober again: we go outside to countdown til midnight and watch the fireworks from above. At the end of the countdown: we all have to jump from a single stair (I don't know who invented these traditions...)
5. After that: the radio is turned on and we all have to dance to the trad. Wiener Walzer
5. if we haven't been frozen to death by then, we go inside, try to drink the rest of the champaign, turn the radio on again dance, play cards etc. ...until we realise: uh no, we've got to get up at 8 am!

So..what's your tradition? what are yougoing to do tomorrow night?
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 30 Dec, 2009 11:09 PM Quote
When I was little we always went to my grandparents. Ate chinese food, played cards. I always ate too much and usually spent the countdown laying on the big red couch in pain.

Then when I was a little early teenageish my neighbours would come over to my house.

Then it was whatever with friends. One year a concert, but usually just food/movies/crashing at someone's place. Last year I watched Canada crush the US in the world juniors.

This year I'm working. Blew up all the balloons today. While watching Lion King. I took a break to hula with Timon and Pumba.

Ive never done a big new years. It isnt a big deal to me.
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Thu 31 Dec, 2009 12:13 PM Quote
Wow Nora, that looks so much fun!

I don't think I've ever done anything for New Year's eve. I remember my Mum and Dad making me stay up when it was the millennium. It reached 12AM and I said 'Can I go to bed now?' :-P I'm not really into new years lol - I spent last year babysitting for my sister, but my nephew wanted to go out and party with his mum and dad...

This year my sisters and their families are coming over. I think we're going out to get food and what have you, but that's it really. I've spent most of today revising.

Still, have a good one whatever you're doing :-)
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 647
Ana_Smith Posted Thu 31 Dec, 2009 1:00 PM Quote
Wow, Nora! That's a beautiful place and you got some pretty cool traditions. My family doesn't have any major ones... we get together at my grandma's house, she likes to cook for us and refuses to go out. It's just us, my parents and sister, my cousin and uncle, and my grandma's sister. We used to be more but ever since my older cousins got married they spend the night with the other side of the family.
We have dinner and when the clock strikes 12 we go outside and watch the fireworks. My sister and I are in charge of drinks and music. The only tradition of our own is that we make sure U2's New Year's Day is playing in the background at midnight and we sing along karaoke style :P
The next morning, if the weather is nice, we go to the beach and spend most of the day there. That's pretty much it...
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Thu 31 Dec, 2009 3:44 PM Quote
My tradition is not to do anything. We buy Coke in glass bottles as a treat. We watch the ball drop in Times Square, have a Coke toast at midnight, and go to bed.
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Fri 01 Jan, 2010 3:57 PM Quote

Hahah Ana, "U2 infiltrating New Years Eve" :p cool!

I kinda love traditions (well for New years Eve or something else)'s always fun and it kinda gives you a feeling of security..:D

This year was kinda quiet, we went outside to see the fireworks, drank champaign and ate special cakes :) it was nice, but I missed my friends up there :) Well next year I'm there again :)

Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Fri 01 Jan, 2010 4:11 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
My tradition is not to do anything. We buy Coke in glass bottles as a treat. We watch the ball drop in Times Square, have a Coke toast at midnight, and go to bed.

mexican cokes are uber rad . you get those ?
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 01 Jan, 2010 8:19 PM Quote
As usual, we were home, ate well, drank some bubbly and watched tv (this year top 150 of 2009 on MTV Finland, rubbish!!). Cheers at midnight, then bed.
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 261
melissam3173 Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 6:04 PM Quote
I would have to put to celebrate Hogmanay on the 43 things list. I have always wanted to do that (I dated a Scot and he made it sound sooo awesome). My New Years consisted of going to Busters for a concert (which I loved but my friends hated) so then we ended up at an all you can drink type bar and all ended up kinda wasted. Kissed no one at midnight but danced to Biggie lol. Then after numerous cab rides and minimal drama I made it home by 3am. So overall not a bad start to the year. I was cool with Busters tho lol. I definately drink to a new decade (the year did not end well). Best of luck everyone!
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 7:36 PM Quote
melissam3173 wrote:
I would have to put to celebrate Hogmanay on the 43 things list. I have always wanted to do that (I dated a Scot and he made it sound sooo awesome). My New Years consisted of going to Busters for a concert (which I loved but my friends hated) so then we ended up at an all you can drink type bar and all ended up kinda wasted. Kissed no one at midnight but danced to Biggie lol. Then after numerous cab rides and minimal drama I made it home by 3am. So overall not a bad start to the year. I was cool with Busters tho lol. I definately drink to a new decade (the year did not end well). Best of luck everyone!

yes riiiiiiiiiight :) which reminds me: doesn't it say: With whom you've kissed at midnight on New Years Eve, that's the guy you stay together all year?
Re: Silvester! New years Eve! Hogmanay!
Posts: 261
melissam3173 Posted Sat 02 Jan, 2010 9:06 PM Quote
You could be right lol. I guess that means another year as a singleton. Ah well no one at the clubs I went to were to appealing so I am not dissapointed. I like that saying tho, it is very cute.
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